Chapter 36: Snow Storm

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I wake up and I look out the bedroom window. The city is covered in a white blanket of snow. It is so pretty. I turn on the TV and watch the news. Apparently we are in the middle of a snow storm and no one is allowed on the streets today or tomorrow. I frown knowing that practice is going to be cancelled today and so is morning skate tomorrow, but that means James and I can have a day to spend together. I don't bother to change into normal clothing. I don't care if the guys see me walking around in flannel blue flower pajama pants and a blue tank top that matches the pants perfectly.

I walk out into the hall and look around. I hear a noise coming from Beau and James's room, so I decide to spy on them. The room door is open a crack so I peek inside. The two are watching some movie and laughing so hard they are crying. I can't help but laugh too. James hears me and walk over to the door as he whips the tears away. He smirks at me and I look up at him and smile. He grabs me and pulls me into his room and throws me on his bed and crawls in next to me. Beau smiles as he leans back in his bed and continues watching the movie.

"Good morning babe." I say as I kiss James's cheek.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" he asks as he wraps his arms around me.

"Yes I did how about you?"

"Yep." He smiles. He pulls the covers over us and directs his attention to the TV screen. I look over and see that they are watching Gabriella Iglasises: I'm not fat I'm fluffy. I laugh at the jokes too. I love him, he is so funny. When the show is over Beau flips through the channels and puts on NCIS. I love that show. I feel James pull me closer to him. I smile as I set my head on his chest. I hear his steady heartbeat. It is so soothing and causes me to close my eyes. I sigh as James kisses my forehead. "Oh, how much I love you Kate." I smile. He lays back and sets his head on the pillow.

I wake up and see sleeping James next to me and Beau is asleep on his bed. I slowly get up and walk to the bathroom. I fix my hair and walk back out only to see both guys are awake. It is only 7 in the morning. I crawl next to James and he pulls me close.

"What are we going to do today? We are in the middle of a snow storm and practice is cancelled." I say and James smiles.

"It's up to you. It's not like we can go anywhere." He says as he sits up and faces me.

"True. We are stuck in the hotel." I say as I smile.

"I'm going down to get some breakfast do you guys want anything?" Beau asks.

"We're good, but thanks." James says as he smiles. Beau nods and walks out if the room. "So babe. I was thinking we watch some movies today."

"That's a great idea. Do you want to stay here or go to my room?" I ask.

"What ever you want." he replies. I smile and he gets up. He walks around the bed and picks me up and carries me bridal style to my room. He closed the door and sets me down on my bed. I look up at him and kiss him. He plays with my hair and I play with his. I pull away and James lays next to me.

"What do you want to watch?" he asks.

"Pick something, I don't care." I say as I smile. I know he is going to pick something scary. He ends up picking Texas Chain saw. I am about ready to kill him. He looks at me and smiles. He wraps his arms around my as the movie begins. I end up crying into his chest by the time it is over.

"Kate it's ok." He says as he tries to comfort me. "Shh, calm down, I'm here." He pulls me close to him and lifts my chin up. He whips the tears away and I smile. I get up and walk over to the desk. James gets up and follows me.

"If we do get married." I start, "will you be able to live with me and my horses?"

"Of course babe!" James says as he kisses my forehead. "We could live on you're farm." I smile and kiss him.

"You're the best." I say as I kiss him back. This time I deepen the kiss and James moves closer to me. I pull at the bottom of his shirt and lift is over his head and throw it off. I run my hands down his perfect abs. Just than I hear a knock at door. I jump and run to the door. James quickly grabs his shirt and throws it on as I walk over to the door. I open it and see coach standing in front of me. Way to ruin the perfect moment.

"Kate, can I talk to you?" coach asks a worried look across his face.

"Sure, what's wrong?" I say as I lean against the door.

"Its Jordan. He is not in his room and is not answering his cell and I am starting to worry." James walks over and stands behind me. "The others didn't see him and I am hoping you two did." coach explains.

"No we didn't see him. Sorry coach."

"If you do, please come and tell me." He says as nods and walks away. I nod and close the door.

"Coach wait!" James speaks up. "He didn't come back to the hotel last night after we went out to eat."

"He didn't?" coach asks.

"No." James say as he shakes his head. He pulls out his phone and tries to call Jordan. "No answer." Coach nods and walk away. Now we have to worry about finding Jordan.

"Ugh could something make it harder than it is going to be?" I say as I close the door and turn to James. Than the power goes out and because the doors have electric locks, we are locked in my room. "Anything else?" I say and the show starts to fall heavier and the wind picks up. I get a text saying that there is a blizzard warning in effect until 7pm tomorrow. Just great. I try and open the door. "Open you stupid door!" I scream.

"Kate the door is locked." James says as he pulls me away from the door.

"I will break it if I have to." I say as I I try to escape his grip. He spins me around and pulls me close.

"Babe, it's ok. At least we are together." James says as he smiles. I smile and walk over to the window and look at the snow covered city. James follows me and stands behind me and wraps his arms around me. I rest my head back on his chest.

"Did you notice how everything happens to us?" I speak up.

"What do you mean?" James asks as he spins me around.

"The thunderstorms, Ovechkin and Chara kidnapping us." I explain.

"True." James smiles as he leans in and I do the same. He brushes his lips against mine as he pulls me toward my bed. He lays me down and crawls next to me.

"No, James not today." I say and he nods. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him. I face him and he smiles and kisses me. I pull the blanket over us. The room seems to get darker and colder minute by minute. I get up and grab three more blankets. Now it is to the point we are it is so cold we could see our breaths. Like penguins we cuddle together to try and keep warm, and it is kind of funny because we play for the Penguins. I close my eye and fall to sleep in James's arms.

I wake up and look for James but he is no where to be found. I get out of bed and looks round my room. "James?" I ask. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I smile. I turn around and scream...------------------------------------------------------

Hey y'all. So I hope you like the story so far and sorry for the short chapter.

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