Chapter 28: World Finials

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I decide to head to Sid's for a little while. I pull into the driveway and notice the door is open a crack. I walk in and Sid is nowhere to be found. I walk up stairs and he is not there either. I walk back down stairs and I notice he his standing in the backyard with someone. I walk over to the sliding door and I see who the person is. It is Amanda! Her and Sid are making out and seem to be enjoying it. Tears for in my eyes as I turn and run toward the front door. I ran into the kitchen table and a vase falls to the floor. When it hit the floor and brakes Sid turned around and ran after me. "Kate! Wait let me explain!" he screams as he chases me. He finally catches me and grabs my wrist.

"NO Sid! I saw enough! Be with her, I don't care anymore! I have someone better!" I scream as I pull free from his grip and run to my car. I back out and watch as Sid runs to the doorway. I watch as Amanda pulls him back into the house. Tears slip out as I begin to drive. I park in the driveway and run inside. He is sitting on the couch and jumps when he hears me calling his name. "James!" I cry as I jump into his arms.

"Kate, what's wrong?" he asks as he pulls me into a tight hug.

"I saw...Sid is....with Amanda!" I cry.

"What? Kate I had no clue I'm so sorry! Did you say anything to him?"

"I said to stay with her and that I have someone better." I explain as I try to hold back the tears.

"Who is that?" he asks as I sit next to him on the couch. I pause for a moment than lean in. I smashed my lips against his. He hesitated at first but than kissed me back. He has me wrapped in his arms as I deepen the kiss. I feel his tongue ask for entrance and I opened my mouth and I explore every inch of his mouth. I have him pinned on the couch. I pull back to catch my breath and I lean down to his ear and whisper the answer to his question.


I snap awake and it is 3:30. Tears form in my eyes as I realize that it was just a dream.  I turn off my alarm clock and jump out of bed. Today is the big day! I run into the bathroom and take a quick shower and change into my breeches, they are white, my tall boots, spurs, and a polo shirt. My show cloths are at the show grounds. I pull my hair into a high ponytail and grab a hair net. I walk downstairs and notice that Molly, Ava and Sid are all sitting and talking. "Morning guys!"

"Morning! are you excited for today?" Molly asks.

"Are you kidding? I am so pumped!" they all laugh. "Lets get going." I say as the 4 of us walk to my truck. I start it and we head to the barn. When we get there, people are running all around trying to get horses tacked, un-tacked, washed and braded. I walk over to Fame's stall and I put some grain in her bucket. I let her eat than I start to tack her up. When I am done I put on my helmet and lead her to the arena. Molly, Ava and Sid follow behind me. I walk in and I am the only one who asked for this time. I get on and work Fame on the flat until she is warmed up. "Molly, can up set up a 3'3" please?" I ask and Molly runs into the arena and sets up the fence. When she is done I ask Fame for the canter. I canter to the jump and point her I the middle. She jumps it perfectly. "Molly, can up make it the 1.68 meters and a oxer?" I ask and Molly runs to change the fence height. I point Fame in the middle and she takes off at the perfect spot. She clears it with ease! "Triple bar oxer please." I say and Molly adds the third rail. I know Fames does not really like the triple bars here so I need to push harder. She canters to the fence and takes off. I see Sid's jaw drop as Fame clears the fence. "One more thing Molly. Can you make a triple combination? Oxer to single, to oxer please?" I ask and Molly and Ava run out to set up the combination. This is part of the course today and Fame has trouble sometimes getting trough this kind of combination. When they are done I canter to the first oxer. I feel Fame back off put I use my supportive leg and push her forward. She jumps the first oxer perfectly. It is two strides to the single and she jumps that with ease. Than the third and last fence the oxer. It is one stride from the single. She takes off and I hear her front foot hits the rail. As she lands I look back and see that the rail stayed up. I did the combination one more time and she cleared it with ease. I bring Fame to a walk and rub her neck. "Good girl that was amazing! I whisper to her.

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