Chapter 3: Suprise

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"I cannot believe you didn't say anything to me or the team about this!" coach says.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how you would react." I say.

"I talked to the Penguins owner and he approved you. You can still play in the NHL."

 "Really? He said I could still play? OMG! OMG! I can't believe it! Thank you, thank you!" I say as I run out of the office.

"Um...Kate." coach says as he walks out after me. "We need to talk about your number."

"Oh. I already thought of that. I would like 13. I find it to be VERY lucky." I say and coach nods in approval.

"13 it is!" coach says. I can't believe I got to choose my lucky number and that I can stay on the team. I'm so happy! I run back to the locker room and tell the guys. As I walk in they all look at me like I got kicked off the team. But when I explained that I can stay on the team they all cheered.

"Congrats!" Sidney said as he hugs me. "Did you choose your number yet?"

"Yes I choose 13."

"13?" he asks "That's unlucky number."

"Not to me. I won the championship with my horse Hall Of Fame using 13. I find it VERY lucky." I explain. he just does not believe that I am saying that 13 is a lucky number. But I just let the conversation go and head back to my locker. When I get there I look and see 13 and my last name, Maxwell, on the locker. I am officially a player for the Pittsburgh Penguins! I pull out my iPhone and call Ava. "Hey!"

"Kate! How is it going? Is practice over yet?" Ava asks.

"Yep. But I told them that I was a girl." I explain

"Wait. WHAT?" Ava screams into the phone.

"But there is more. They found the mark on my arm and they made me explain what happened. so I did what they wanted me to do. They were all in disbelief that the horse fell on me." I explain.

"Well what did they do when you told them the story?"

"The all just hugged me."

"That's all?" Ava asks. "Wow sounds like they care."

"Don't say that! They do care." I scream. "I'm sorry Ava its just been a long day."

"Its ok." she says "I have to go. Time to feed. Call you tomorrow."

"Bye!" I say

"Bye." Ok so now what? I take off my gear and change back into my "Rodeo" jeans and put on my Penguins sweatshirt. I head back into the locker room. Everyone is still here. They all just look at me. "What?" I ask.

"Come with me." Max says as he leads me outside to my car. I walk up to my mustang and look at him like he is crazy.

"What?" I ask.

"Look inside." Max says as he points to the backseat. I pull out my keys and open the door. "What is going to jump out and attack me?" I thought. I open the door and I see a box with my name on the top. To: Kate From: Your Family. I look at Max and I take the box out of the back.

"What is it?" I ask looking at Max and the rest of the team as they walk out to join Max and I.

"Open it." Geno says. I open the box and inside was a necklace with the Penguins logo on it. I turn it over to see my name on the back. I start to cry.

"OMG! Guys! Thank you so much! I love it!" I say as I hug them.

"But wait. There's more." Sidney says as he hands me a pair of keys.

"What are these for?" I ask.

"We found you a house in the country that will make you feel at home. Its a ranch house." he explains, "and its just a 5 minute drive from the arena and from our private property."   

"A private property?" I ask.

"Ya, we stay there sometimes. Its like another home for us." Marc explains. "Maybe you can stop by on your way to your house. We could show you around."

"That would be great!" I say. "I will meet you guys there in 30." 

"Ok. Sounds good. See you soon." Max says. I open the front door to my car and Sidney stops me.

"Here let me help you with this." he says as he takes the necklace and puts it around my neck. "It looks amazing on you." He smiles.

"I love it!" I say as I hug him. "Thank you so much." I really like Sidney. He was so nice to me and I have to say that I might be in love with him. I smile and get into my car. I pull out of the lot and head to my new home. I can't wait to see the house. I bet its beautiful, just like the necklace. 

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