First Kiss

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"You could have been killed!" Bellamy yelled as he carried you back into camp. On a hunting trip, You and Bellamy had ran into a few grounders. The both of you managed to kill them, but not before one of them could stab you in the leg.

"But I wasn't." You pointed out. Bellamy rolled his eyes as he started yelling for Clarke. He sat you down in the dropship, waiting impatiently for her.

As soon as Clarke walked in, she sighed. "What have you gotten yourself into this time." She asked, looking at the knife sticking out of your thigh.

"Grounders." You answered as she looked at your bleeding leg.

"You're insanely calm, still hyped up on adrenaline." She laughed. "You might want to hold onto something." She muttered. Bellamy walked back over to you, grabbing your hand.

You couldnt hold back the scream, leaning into Bellamy as you felt Clarke pull the knife out. Bellamy put his arm around you, rubbing your arm slightly as he gave you a worried look.

Clarke finished treating your leg, Bellamy carrying you back to your tent after. He layed you down on the bed, sighing as he looked at you. He turned away, going to leave your tent, when you stopped him.

"Bell! You're just going to leave me alone in here?" Bellamy laughed in response, walking back over to you and sitting down. You smiled at him, but the worried look stayed on his face. "I'm fine."

"No you aren't! You just had a knife sticking out of your leg! That doesn't classify as fine to me!" He yelled in frustration.

"Well, I am. Its could have been worse Bell." You sighed, bringing your hand up to his face. You lightly caressed his jaw line, Bellamy squeezing his eyes shut as he leaned his face against your hand.

"I'm sorry. I just dont want to see you hurt." He sighed. You smiled at him, seeing Bellamy slowly leaning in. You found yourself doing the same, your lips meeting in the middle. He kissed you softly, making sure not to touch you leg as he scooted closer. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling as he grabbed your hips, pulling you closer to him.


"Hey. Can I get a hit of that?" You heard a strained voice say as Monty handed you the bottle of alcohol.

"Jasper!" Everyone cheered, jumping up from their spots and rushing to his side.

"How about starting with the soft stuff buddy." Finn chuckled, grabbing a canteen and helping Jasper drink.

After Clarke had checked Jasper's wounds again, everyone left as Monty retreated back in his corner to work on contacting the Ark.

You stayed with Jasper though, your hands loosely intertwined. "Im so glad you're okay." Your grinned, leaning your head on your arm.

"Yeah, i'm pretty happy about it too, Y/N." Jasper chuckled. You rolled your eyes at him as he looked up at you, his eyes glancing between your eyes and lips.

"I-i uhm. I-" Jasper stuttered. You heard a sigh from across the room, looking over at Monty as he neared the ladder.

"Will you two just kiss already." He said, mumbling something to himself as he climbed down the ladder.

You glanced down at the blushing Jasper, neither of you saying anything. "I- uhm." Jasper cut you off, his hand going behind your head as he pulled you to his lips. Your stomach erupted in butterflies as you felt Jasper smile into the kiss.

"That is the best welcome back I've gotten." Jasper grinned.


"Hey babe. Mind if I sit?" You asked, leaning against the ladder in the dropship.

"Not at all Y/N." He grinned, gesturing you over. Monty stole glances at you as he worked, your eyes meeting his after the millionth time.

"Focus Monty!" You giggled, smacking his arm playfully. He laughed in response, focusing back on the bracelet.

You watched as Monty worked, and before you could ask him anything, you felt a shock sting your wrist. "Ow. What the-" You trailed off as you noticed the shocked expression on Monty's face.

"That wasn't supposed to happen." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Hey. Hey, Mont. What happened?" You asked.

"I-i don't know." He mumbled. Looking down at your own bracelet, you noticed that the bulbs were fried, as was all of the wiring. He rambled on, repeating his work step by step to figure out his error. You could see the pannick in his eyes as you both realized, the ark would think we're all dead. His parents would think he was dead.

"Monty. Mont, baby calm down." You said, bringing his face up to meet yours. He pulled away from you, rambling on, pannick overtaking him. "Babe." You sighed, making him look at you.

He opened his mouth to say something, when you crashed your lips onto his, taking Monty by suprise. He kissed you back gently as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Why did you-" Monty asked, pulling back from the kiss. You rolled your eyes at him, leaning your forehead on his.

"You talk too much." You muttered against his lips, before kissing him again. His lips worked against yours as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.


"Here! Here! Here!" Finn screamed, grabbing your arm and dragging you over to a metal door poorly covered in leaves. He quickly pushed the leaves away, grabbing the handle and throwing it open.

Climbing down, you watched as Finn jerked the hatch down, locking us in what seemed to be a fallout bunker.

"Are you sure-"

"We'll be okay." Finn reassured me, putting his hands on your shoulders. "I promise." He reassured you.

We stayed in the bunker all night, but you couldn't sleep, constantly checking the hatch to make sure there were no holes that the fog could come through.

"Hey. You need to calm down." Finn sighed, walking over to you.

"Well. I'm sorry that I dont want to die a terrible death!" You yelled. "Finn. There are so many things that can kill us, and i-i'm terrif-"

Your words were cut off as Finn's lips crashed onto yours. He kissed you softly, his arms delicatly going around your waist. You kissed him back, your arms going around his neck as Finn kissed you harder.


"You guys are the biggest dorks." You giggled as Monty and Jasper did one of their signature high fives.

"But you love us." Monty winked, before going back to splitting up the rations.

"Oh, hey Y/N." You heard. You glanced up from what you were doing, right as a berry hit your cheek. The boys started laughing, as your rolled your eyes at them. "Tough luck." Jasper shrugged.

"I wasn't ready!" You yelled defensively. "Plus you couldn't do any better." You challenged smirking at Jasper.

"Is that a challenge!" Jasper yelled.

"It is actually." You laughed.

"Okay. Here, i'll throw berries at both of you. One of you miss, the other wins." Monty said, grabbing two berries. He threw one at you, and you caught it successfully. Jasper on the other hand missed, the berry bouncing off of his teeth.

"Aye!" You and Monty yelled simultaneously, highfiving eachother.

You felt someone grab your waist, pulling you away from the idiotic duo, crashing their lips on yours. Realizing who it was, you giggled lightly against his lips, kissing your boyfriend back. Murphy had a possessive hold on your waist as you pulled away from the kiss.

"Well hello." You laughed, looking up at Murphy.

"You're mine." He growled, kissing you again.

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