Richard is such an adorable person, I love him.
Imagine requested by The100Trash
I hope you like it!**Unedited**
_____________________________"Elise." Murphy yelled, catching your attention. Jackson glared past you, John sending him a death glare in return, the boy backing off. You drunkenly turned around, unaware of the distant exchange, a wide grin on you face.
"Johnathan! Hey, how are you." You stumbled over to her best friend, his eyes widening as he caught your arm. "Awe, thanks darling."
"How many drinks have you had, doll?"
"Just a couple." You giggled. Murphy rolled his eyes, taking the cup of moonshine from your hand. You gasped, poking out your bottom lip at him.
"Elise honey, you're drunk off your ass. You've had more than a couple." You chuckled lowly, placing your hands on his chest as Murphy wrapped his arms wound your waist.
"But it's a party-"
"It's getting late, and the party is ending." Murphy chuckled, keeping his arm around your waist as he led you towards your tent.
"But I don't wanna go back to my tent!" You whined, pulling away from him. He sighed, reaching out and grabbing your hand.
"You need to lay down-"
"Can I sleep in your tent tonight?" You asked, turning sharply to look a the boy. He stopped abruptly, grabbing your waist to steady himself. "Please?"
"Alright doll, come on then." He laughed to himself, guiding you into his tent. You flopped down onto the bed, fumbling with your shoe laces. "Lay back hun, I've got it."
You layed back, allowing the boy to untie your shoes so you could kick them off. "Come on now, let go to sleep." He muttered, climbing onto the bed. But you hopped up, Murphy letting out an annoyed sigh. "What the hell are you doing?" Murphy asked. You muttered something inaudible, undoing the button on your jeans. He rolled his eyes, throwing his shirt at you with a small laugh. You smiled at the boy, slipping out of your dirty jeans, before crawling in next to him. "Finally."
You giggled lightly, turning on your side to face him. Eyes bright, you stared up at the boy, glancing down at his lips. "Hey, John." The boy looked down at you, noting the look in your eye. "I love you."
"I love you too, Elise. Now go-"
"No. Not a best friend I love you, jackass. The I love you, I love you. The I want to be with you, I love you." You huffed, slowly sitting up. Murphy stayed lay back, raising his arms above his head.
"You're drunk, Elise. Let's go to sleep." He sighed, rolling back onto his side. He lifted up the blankets allowing you to slide under with him. "And since you probably won't remember any of this any ways, I love you, I always have." John sighed, relaxing onto the makeshift matress. You layed your head on Murphys chest, a content smile on your face. He gently ran his hand down your arm, playing with the ends of your hair. You hummed lowly, allowing you self to relax into the boy and finally sleep.
You woke up with a pounding headache and a heavy arm around your waist. Your eyes widened as you tried to recollect any memories from the night before, eventually falling short. Panic surged inside of you, looking around the tent for any indication who it was. But once you noticed the spiked jacket, you calmed.
"Oh my god." You groaned as you rolled around to face the boy. Murphy smiled sleepily, eyes slowly opening. "We didn't-"
"No. But I did stop you from hooking up with Jackson." He smirked, causing you to groan. You pressed your palms against your face, letting out a long sigh.
"God, I'm so stupid-"
"Sometimes. That's why you have me to stop you before things get out of hand." He studied your actions closely, brows knit together. "You really don't remember anything?"
"I remember Jasper handing me a drink, and thus the drunken downfall of Elise." You chuckled, looking over at the boy. He held a look that only you could ever read. John was always good at hiding his emotions, but you could see right through it.
"What is it?"
"Don't give me that, Murphy. I can read you like an open book." You poked your finger into his chest, causing the boy to let out a low laugh.
"Want me to go to med, get something-"
"What I want you to do is tell me what's wrong." You interjected. Murphy pursed his lips, slowly sitting up. You followed his actions, arching your brows at him. "So?"
"You told me something, and I can't help but keep thinking about it. Kept me up for most of the night." Your head tilted to the side, worry apparent in your expression. Murphy wasn't one to lose sleep over things other people say.
"What did I say."
"You- you told me you love me."
"What do you mean, and?"
"I want to tell you it's true, but I don't want to embarrass myself." You spoke lowly, bowing your head. A smile twitched up onto Murphys lips, his finger hooking under your chin. Your eyes met his, noting the grin on his face. "Yeah, go ahead and tease me, go for it-"
Your annoyance was cut off as Murphy leaned forwards, gently placing his lips on yours. You tensed up almost instantly, surprised by his actions. But, as soon as you gathered your thoughts, you kissed him back, cupping his face in your hands.
"I told you something last night too, but I knew you wouldn't remember it." He spoke lowly, pulling you close by your waist. His forehead leaned against yours, your hands gently hooking around his neck. "I love you, Elise."

The 100 Imagines & Preferences
FanfictionThe 100 Imagines. Bellamy Blake Jasper Jordan Monty Green John Murphy Lincoln Octavia Blake Raven Reyes Commander Lexa Clarke Griffin **Requests closed** |No Personal Smut Requests|