Show her off |Raven Reyes

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Imagine requested by goddamnanime I really hope you like this, this was such a good idea and I loved doing it.

I'm still working on requests, and I'm sorry, but for now requests are still closed. (They will be opening soon, I promise. I'm just a little behind)


"Oh, what's your latest creation?" You asked, noticing Raven had finally walked out of your shared tent. She smiled at you, showing the walkies she had built out of the old radio. You took one from her hand, a grin set on your face.

"Look at her, oh my god she's genius!" You beamed, smiling at Raven. A light pink flushed across her cheeks, the girl trying to quiet you.

"Mackenzie! Be quiet!"

"No! You're so smart, you built these." Raven rolled her eyes, walking away with a deep crimson flushing on her cheeks. With a smirk on your face, you pressed the button on the radio. "Raven."

The girl stopped, hearing your voice through the radio. She turned back, a goofy grin on her face as she brought the radio up to her mouth. "Yeah?"

"I love you, gorgeous."

"I love you too." She grinned, slowly backing away. She made her way towards Bellamy's tent, the remaining radios held in her hands. "Bellamy?"

"Yeah?" Raven ducked inside, a grin set on her face as she held out the radios. Bellamy took one from her, studying it in his hands. That's when a static noise caught their attention.

"Raven, I forgot to tell you something." Your voice sounded over the radio. Bellamy arched a brow at you, but Raven held a small smile.

"What is it, Mackenzie?"

"You're amazing, babe." Raven held a wide grin, Bellamy jokingly rolling his eyes. He pressed the button, static filling the air.

"Hey, Mackenzie. Stay of the radio, eh? Complement your girlfriend else where." Bellamy chuckled, Raven bowing her head as her ears heated.

"No way. Gotta show her off, everyone must know." You laughed into the radio. Bellamy shook his head, a light smile on his face. Raven couldn't hold back, the girl grinning as she peered out of the tent. You waved at her, a grin set on your face. With a small laugh, she waved back at you.

"I love you." She mumbled into the radio.

"I love you more beautiful." You winked over at her as you said the words, Raven grinning as she walked out of the man's tent.

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