It seemed out of the blue. You were walking towards Murphy, unaware of the words passing between him and another delinquent. The closer you grew, the angrier he became. That's when he snapped, his fist colliding with the boys jaw.
"Murphy!" You called out, closing the small gap and running to your boyfriend. Others were immediately over, Clarke running to the bleeding boys side.
Murphy still held a look anger and annoyance, but you noted the sad look in his eyes. He turned sharply, storming away after sending the boy a glare of death. With a low sigh, you turned, following him into your shared tent.
"Dont, Y/N. I mean, why do you even try? Why are you still with me?" He spoke with annoyance in his voice, his back turned.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm not good enough for you-"
"Yes you are John. Why would you think you werent." You crossed the room, gently placing a hand on his arm. Murphy dropped his head, a glint of a tear streaming down his cheek.
"I'll never stop hearing it. You're too good for me, I know you are. But they keep reminding me." He spoke, pinching his temple. The boy slowly walked over to your makeshift bed, sitting down and dropping his face in his hands.
"Screw them, I love you-"
"Why? Why do you even like me? I'm a fucking monster." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. You squat down in front of him, running your hands down his arms.
"You're not a monster John. You were locked up for starting a fire, not killing someone like people put it off as. You're a good person." You said in a low voice. Murphy chuckles sarcastically, looking down at you.
"Name one good thing I've done in my damn life." He said, leaning back in the bed. "I'm a terrible person, Y/N. I'm just waiting for the day you realize that and leave-"
"John Murphy!" You snapped, making him jump. He sat up, his eyes puffy and red. "Don't ever say that. I love you more than anything, and nothing could change that, okay?" You sat next to him, grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers. His thumb ran over your skin, a smile appearing on your face at the action.
"You're too good for me." He sighed, his eyes fixated on your hands. Your eyes narrowed at him, slowly leaning over and kissing him gently on the lips.
"Shut up, John."
"I love you, Y/N. I love you more than anything."
"And I love you." With a smile on your face, you leaned closer to him, crashing your lips on his. He smiled into the kiss, his hands going around your waist as he pulled you into his lap. You pecked him gently, your smile growing as he pulled you closer to him, burrying his face in your hair.
Little update as I work on imagines.
Since I'm eager, impatient, and overly excited about the new book, I'm posting the first chapter tonight!
I would love it, and greatly appreciate it, if you guys would go check it out. Much love <3

The 100 Imagines & Preferences
FanfictionThe 100 Imagines. Bellamy Blake Jasper Jordan Monty Green John Murphy Lincoln Octavia Blake Raven Reyes Commander Lexa Clarke Griffin **Requests closed** |No Personal Smut Requests|