Comfort |Octavia Blake

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Imagine requested by WydLexa

I hope you like it, and I am working on all other requested imagines.


"A warrior doesn't mourn the dead until the battle is over."

But she wanted to cry. Wanted to drive her blade through Pikes head. Cursed her brother. She wanted to break down, but she couldnt. She wouldn't let herself.

Except you saw through the act. She was broken. She loved Lincoln, and he was killed for being who he was. She felt she could have saved him, but it wasn't possible.

"O. Listen, I know you're upset. It's okay to break down every once in a while." You sighed, taking one of her hands in yours. She squeezed your hand gently, her eyes stuck on the ground.

"I jus-" Her voice broke off in a sob, the girl finally breaking down. She doubled over, a sob ripping through her. You pulled her into your arms, allowing the girl to break down in front of you. Tears were beginning to soak through your shirt, but you didn't care.

"I'm sorry, O. He didn't deserve it." You sighed, trying to fight back tears. Despite how you felt about Octavia, Lincoln was an amazing guy, whom didn't deserve what happened.

And so through the night, Octavia cried herself to sleep. You held her even then though, not wanting her to wake up alone. Your heart hurt. It hurt for her.

Months later

You were pulled from your sleep, a loud scream tearing through camp. You jerked up, running to the tent you knew it came from. Octavia was curled up in a ball, tears streaming down her face. But she was awake now.

"O, hey. Come here." You cooed. As soon as you sat down on the bed, she pulled you back, laying against your chest.

"Can you stay in here? Please?"

"Of course I will." Octavia stared up at you, her eyes flicking down to your lips. A blush flushed across her cheeks, but you gently placed a hand on her cheek. That boosted her confedence, the girl slowly leaning in. She pecked you gently on the lips, breath hitching in your throat.

She pulled back, her eyes widening. "I-im sorry. I get it if you want to-"

"Shh. It's okay, Octavia. Just go to sleep." You sighed, allowing her to lay back against you. Your arms wrapped around her, gently running your hands over her arms. "Good night, hun."

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