Separated |John Murphy

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Request for LmxoUrie
Sorry it took so long, but I really do hope you like it.

Also, made up a last name because that's one thing I didn't want to ask, hope you don't mind.


"So, tonight?"


"I didn't know you had it in you Kyles." Murphy chuckled to himself, observing the match box closely. He had no idea how you even got your hands on such a thing, and you refused to tell him. "You sure you want to go through with this?"

"Hey, that guard didn't just float your dad, they took my mom too." You reminded him. Murphy nodded lightly, retreating back to his bed. He sat down, eyes distant. "What is it John?"

"Nothing, I just, I hope we get to see each other often."

"Yeah, I don't know what I would do if I didn't see that stupid smirk at least twice a day." You teased with a gentle smile. And he pulled that signature smirk, making you roll your eyes.


Boots crunching on the ground beneath, Murphy paced mindlessly. It had been a whole two days on Earth, and it seemed like he had a run in with every ark delinquent, all except for one. You were reserved, and he knew that. But, he had caused so many scenes already, he figured you would have found him by now and the worry started to set in to his mind.

"This isn't the ark, you could actually wear a hole in the ground here." Miller spoke up, growing increasingly aggravated with the impatient boy. "What's got that tiny brain frying?"

Murphy grunted in response, turning his eyes to the dirt path he continued to pace. Miller sighed lowly, walking over to the boy, standing in his way.

"What, is it a girl?" John avoided eye contact, a grin spreading a cross Miller's face. Murphy turned away, but he quickly grabbed his shoulder. "Come on, what is it? Someone you met when we first landed? A hook up maybe-"

"She was my friend on the ark, okay? I haven't seen her since we were locked up." Murphy snapped, not wanting anyone else to know of his concern.

"We were locked up?" He cooed with raised brows. "You guys locked up together? A little public indecency-"

"It's not like that man." Murphy quickly cut him off, arms crossing over his chest. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this." He huffed lowly, turning to walk away before Miller could stop him.

"What's her name." He called after Murphy. John didn't want to turn around and continue confiding in Miller, but maybe, just maybe, Miller knew where you were.

"Kylie Cornett."

Miller thought for a moment, before his eyes widened. "The only Kylie Cornett I know is a total opposite from you, Murphy." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"You know where she is?" Murphy asked, ignoring his statement. With a low sigh, Miller nodded, gesturing him to follow.

"Usually, she's in with Clarke or the Green boy, over in the dropship. Start there." Miller informed him. Murphy drew in a deep breath, wiping his suddenly sweaty palms on his pants.

Searching the first level of the dropship, Murphy couldn't find you or Clarke anywhere. He climbed up the ladder, throwing open the hatch of the very top level. Monty's eyes snapped up, brows pulling together when he noticed the unwelcomed face.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for someone, Kylie Cornett." Murphy licked over his lips, feeling his mouth having gone dry. Monty's head tilted to the side, placing his tools down on his work bench.

"What do you want with Kylie?"

"Does it matter, just tell me. Please." He forced the word out, Monty looking surprised. With a low sigh he stood from his spot and pushed past Murphy. Starting down the ladder, John reluctantly followed after.

"She's usually in her tent around this time." Monty stalked through the rows of makeshift tents, before stopping right outside one. "Kylie?"

"Monty! Come in!" She yelled out. Murphy's heart stopped at the very sound of her voice, falling in a daze as Monty stared over at him.

"Go on." He slapped a hand on Murphy's back, before making his way through the tent maze. With shaky hands, he pushed the tent flaps open, staring at your figure. Back turned, you worked quickly.

"Mont, come here, I'm not really sure-"

"Kyles." Murphy cut in with a low voice, noticing your hands freeze. You whipped around, jaw dropping as you saw the boy staring back at you.

"John!" You cheered, dropping your tools and running over to him. Taking him by surprise, you practically jumped in his arms. He held you tight, a weird feeling in his stomach.

Pulling back, you cupped his face in your hands, tears welling up in your eyes. "John Murphy. Its been too long, sky box shouldn't have kept us away from eachother."

"Though, it probably was better for them. We did commit arson together." He reasoned making you laugh. You quickly pulled him back into a hug, nuzzling your face in his neck.

"I've missed you so much. How haven't we seen eachother before this?" You wondered aloud, dragging him over to your bed. "Tell me, what have you been up to Murph!"

"Same old-"

"How many fights?" You sighed, making him laugh.

"Enough for the both of us."

The two talked for what seemed like the rest of the day, and ended up extending well into the night. Your tired smile begged the boy to stay, and he couldn't bring himself to refuse. Just like the days on the ark, you were layed into his side, hand on his chest and leg thrown over his waist. His arm beneath your head, hand playing gently with your hair. It was something he had yearned for, having you this close to him. He allowed his thoughts and feelings to wonder, but he silenced them, not wanting to ruin the perfect moment.

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