Imagine request for kyliewynn211
I'm so sorry it took so long, but I hope you like it hun!!
_________________________________"You can't just go charging in there Bellamy. It's a death wish." Clarke snapped, eyes glaring in to the man.
"So I'm just supposed to leave her in the hands of ice nation? They will kill her to get to that bunker!" He argued, voice rising in annoyance.
"Marching in there and demanding her back isn't going to help anything! It's going to get you killed, maybe Kylie too." Clarke argued, making the man let out a frustrated groan.
"I'll get her out." Octavia spoke, her voice low. Bellamy slowly turned to the hooded girl, mouth dropping open. But her eyes never met his, hand on her sword, head turned to the ground.
"O, I can't ask you to do this for me."
"I'm not volunteering to do this for you. I'm doing this for her." She hissed, finally looking at the man.
"I'm going with you."
"Like hell you are." Octavia scoffed. "I know how to get in, and I know how to get out. Kylie and I alone will be hard to stay under the radar. You will just get in the way."
"Octavia, you won't be able to sneak in so easily with everything going on. Security will be high. You'll need a distraction." Clarke stated, eyes turning to Bellamy.
Gun pressed to the mans head, it was arguably a bad plan. But they only needed approximately ten minutes; And Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake were the perfect two distraction factors.
Side by side, pushing the ice nation man ahead of them, the two strode straight up to the gate. Yells of the forigen language he was still yet to understand rang through the air, before the gates parted. Bows were drawn, spears raised, swords drawn, all eyes fell on them.
Trotting from the tower, Roan circled the three with watchful eyes. He finally came to a stop right before them, head tilted to the side. He was uninterested, and they knew that. But all they needed was seven more minutes. So, the two did what they did best, they talked.
"Let our people go." His voice was met with a roaring chuckled, the king shaking his head at the seemingly pathetic attempt at a negotiation.
"Someone important to you, for this man?"
Clarke knew the king more, she had figured out how he worked. She knew she would get no where, that her words alone wouldn't help; only Octavia would. But she sure as hell knew how to keep the man talking.
And it went on, until, from the corner of his eye, Bellamy noticed the movement from the crowd. The hooded girl danced through the shadows, leading you, the only surviving prisoner towards the exit. He nudged Clarke's arm, but she didn't seem to notice, continuing to ramble on.
"Clarke, it's time to go." He spoke lowly. With a slight nod, he suddenly shoved the man towards Roan, breaking away from the watching grounders. That's when the king seemed to realize what was going on, seeing Skai Ripa herself ducking out with his prisoner following.
Shouting command, arrows began to fly as the four tried to distance themselves from Ice Nation. Slowly, the yells began to fade off into the distance and with heaved breaths, they finally slowed to a stop.
"They didn't follow us." Octavia spoke lowly, eyes searching the trees behind them. Finally able to take a breath, you dropped to the forest floor, taking in a pained breath.
"Kylie, are you okay?" Bellamy spoke lowly, immediately coming to your side. Cupping your face in his hand, his thumb ran over the prominent bruise across your cheek, his face falling. "They-"
"I'm fine, love." You reassured him, placing your hand over his. Bellamy smile softly, leaning in and kissing gently over the mark.
"Thank you guys. I-i wouldn't have made it out without you all." Your head dropped, squeezing Bellamy's hand gently. "All the others- they tried to run, to escape- but none of it ever worked." You muttered, chills running down your spine as you remembered pin point accuracy; the blood staining the stone floors.
"Hey, you're safe now." Bellamy cooed.

The 100 Imagines & Preferences
FanfictionThe 100 Imagines. Bellamy Blake Jasper Jordan Monty Green John Murphy Lincoln Octavia Blake Raven Reyes Commander Lexa Clarke Griffin **Requests closed** |No Personal Smut Requests|