An imagine requested by @April_Deirey for her friend, Lissa. Hope she likes it!
__________________________Another night of tossing, turning, and no sleep. Not that the ark gave much comfort, but it was better than being out in the open.
With a sigh, I sat up on my make shift bed and grabbed my boots. After lacing them up, I slipped out of my tent, trying to be quiet enough for no one to notice. The wall was still unfinshed, making it easy to slip through without the look outs noticing.
My knife was held tightly at my side as I walked further from camp, occasionally putting a subtle mark in a tree so I wouldn't get lost. I made sure to take note of my surroundings, listening closely for any signs of another person.
As I took another step, I heard heavy footsteps from behind me. Grounders are agile, but that doesn't mean they won't try anything.
I whipped around, knife held in defense as I came face to face with John Murphy. "Woah, woah." He said, putting his hands up as he saw the knife turned towards him. "I mean you know harm, Doll." The words rolled off of his tounge and left a smirk on the boys face.
"What do you want, Murphy?" I asked with a sigh, lowering my weapon. He pursed his lips, cocking his head to the side.
"What are you doing out her, Lissa? You know it's dangerous." He said in are low voice. I raised my eyebrows at him, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Is John Murphy worried?" I cooed in amusement. He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.
"No, but if something happened to you, and Bellamy knows I didn't stop you, he would have my head." He shot back, causing me to groan. "What? Don't like being protected, do ya Blake?"
"Shut up, and let me be Murphy." I shot back, rolling my eyes at him. He was right though. Bellamy was my older brother, the leader of the camp, and he protected me more than Octavia. I was tired of it the first hour, but Bellamy wouldn't back down.
"Can't do that, Doll." He chuckled, stepping closer to you. "You need to get back to camp, it's not safe out here alone."
"Well, looks like you're staying with me then." I smirked. He opened his mouth to say something, but I ignored it, walking ahead of him. Just as I thought he would, he started following after me.
"You're insane, you know that, Blake?"
"Stop calling me Blake." I groaned.
"Right. My bad, doll." He smirked. I stopped in front of him, causing him to nearly run into me as I glared up at him. "What? Don't like that name either." He said in at low voice, the smirk staying on his face.
"Quite frankly, no." I answered, crossing my arms over my chest. Nerves jumbled in my stomach, my arms being the only barrier between the two of us. "My names-"
"I know what your name is." He chuclled, his breath fanning across my face. He stepped closer to me, my mouth running dry as I stepped back. My back pressed up against a tree, my breath catching in my throat as Murphy placed a hand on my waist, leaning closer to me. "Tell me to stop, and I'll leave you alone." He whispered to me. I knew I should have told him to, but I was frozen.
My mouth opened, but no words came out. I pushed myself onto my toes, my lips grazing past his. He let out a low, shaky breath, before crashing his lips onto mine. Our lips molded together perfectly, and it felt as if time stood still.
Murphy slowly pulled away, pecking me on the lips again as his arms wrapped around me. He leaned close to my ear, his breath sending a shiver down my spine. "I love you, Lissa. I always have."
"I love you too, Murphy."

The 100 Imagines & Preferences
FanfictionThe 100 Imagines. Bellamy Blake Jasper Jordan Monty Green John Murphy Lincoln Octavia Blake Raven Reyes Commander Lexa Clarke Griffin **Requests closed** |No Personal Smut Requests|