Confidence |Octavia Blake

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Imagine requested by Magcon_Girl1029

Sorry it's kind of short, but i hope you like it.


"Hello gorgeous." Octavia beamed, wrapping her arms around you from behind. You jumped away, your cheeks flushing a deep crimson. "You're so cute when you blush." She grinned, her head tilted to the side as she watched you. This just caused you to blush even more, the girl laughing lowly in response.

"Hey, could you go down to the waterfall with me? I need a bath and I don't want to go alone." You asked, hoping the girl would agree. Her jaw dropped lightly, Octavia letting out a cheeky laugh.

"Are you trying to get me naked?" She arched her brows. Your eyes widened in response, cheeks flushing a darker shade of pink. "I'm kidding, Anahy." She giggled. "Let's go."

The two of you gathered clothes, before making the short walk to the waterfall. As soon as you got there, Octavia began to strip, sending a wink in your direction once she was down to her underwear. She dove down into the water, looking up at you.

"Well? Coming?" She smirked. You nodded lightly, suddenly feeling very self conscious. "Stop it, you're beautiful." She rolled her eyes, catching onto your act. You turned around, blocking her view from your stomach and blushing cheeks. You stripped to your underwear, grabbing the soap, before diving in.

"Thank you for coming down here with me, O." You mumbled, the girl smiling at you in response. But her mood seemed to shift, the girl fidgeting with her hands. Her eyes were stuck on her hands moving through the water, her confidence seeming to drain.

"Uhm, Anahy. Can- can I tell you something?" She mumbled. Your head tilted to the side at the shy act, but you still nodded. Her hands folded before her, before unclasping and moving through the water. "I-i really like you. And you don't have to say anything, I mean, I know I flirt a lot. But it's not just joking, well not all of the time, i just-"

"I like you too." You cut her off, her eyes widening as she looked over at you. With a small laugh, you swam to her, hesitantly leaning in. She smiled lightly, closing the small gap. Your lips molded together, Octavia's lips tugging into a smile. She pulled away slowly, and for once, you weren't the only one blushing.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course." You laughed, kissing her gently. "I'm glad you made the move, because there is no way I would have gained that confidence."

"Are you kidding me. I'm a mess, I was so scared-"

"Shh, it was cute. For once, I'm not the blushing one." You giggled. Octavia bowed her head, covering her cheeks. You rolled your eyes, prying her arms away and kissing her nose. "You're cute when you blush."

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