Imagine requested by @wolfbred
Sorry for taking so long and I'm sorry it's so short, but I hope you like it. I promise all whom have requested an imagine, I will have them up some time soon! Thanks for being patient.
Also, season 3 spoilers, so don't ready any farther if you haven't seen S3.
In this imagine, it's after Ontari offs the night bloods. Clarke goes after the night blood whom left Lexas class (whose name i cannot remember at the moment) to keep Ontari from becoming Heda.
Lexa paced the floor, her steps keeping you from falling asleep. With a low sigh, you rolled around, glaring at the older girl.
"Hey, Lex?" You looked over at her, but she didn't even glance over. "Lexa, baby, come to bed-"
"I can't Y/N." She sighed, dropping her face in her hands. "Just- Ontari. The night bloods. She-"
"I know honey. But all we can do is find the last night blood, the one in your class. And Clarke is after her, she'll find her." You sighed, standing from the bed and walking over to her. You pulled her arms away from her face, looking into her puffy eyes.
"Its- Aiden." She frowned.
"I know, I'm sorry about him. He was just a kid and he would have made an amazing leader." You looked down at the ground, a frown going on your face. "But, you're gonna be okay, Lex. Try to stay alive until Clarke gets back."
"I'll try my best." She chuckled, leaning over and kissing you gently on the lips. "Let's-let's try to go to bed now sweetie."
You could tell the girl was still tense, so you pulled her over to the bed, making her sit down. She gave you a confused look, but you crawled behind her. You gently moved her hair off of her neck, slowly massaging her muscles. Lexa let out a satisfied sigh, tilting her head to the side. You worked the knots from her muscles, her mind falling at ease.
"Thank you, Y/N. I needed this."
You smiled brightly, leaning over and kissing her gently on the neck. She slowly lay back, bringing you down with her. Her arms wrapped tightly around your waist, the girl finally relaxing. You lied your head on her chest, playing with the ends of her hair. She let out a low sigh, her hands running up your sides.
"I love you, Lexa '
"I love you too, Y/N." She whispered. She squeezed you gently, pulling the duvet over top of the two of you. "Thank you, good night honey."
"Goodnight, Lex." You giggled, leaning up and kissing her gently. You smiled up at her, the girl returning the gesture, before laying her head down. You rested your head on her chest, your eyes closing as you let out a content sigh. "Everything's gonna be okay, hun."

The 100 Imagines & Preferences
FanfictionThe 100 Imagines. Bellamy Blake Jasper Jordan Monty Green John Murphy Lincoln Octavia Blake Raven Reyes Commander Lexa Clarke Griffin **Requests closed** |No Personal Smut Requests|