𝐯𝐢. deep trust

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chapter six

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chapter six. . .
deep trust

    JACE HAD LED Malia directly towards a biker bar. Rows of motorcycles parked out front, and a lot of people either admiring or showing off their vehicle that had girls reeling over it. The brunette's eyes only flickered around, taking in the scenario of graffiti and the amount of leather that was all in one place. Malia had heard of practically every club or bar in New York, even though she wasn't exactly the legal age for it. But Hardtail, never had come to her hearing or her knowledge. "Why exactly are we going into a biker bar?" Malia asked, her mind didn't think of what Jace was after, but her mind did think about the fact Simon was still held captive by vampires awaiting for an item that neither Clary or Malia had.

    "We can't move on the vamps until sunrise." Jace replied as he walked by the side of the Adams. "Plus, there's something I need in here."

    "A drink?" Malia guessed.

    "I don't drink."

    Malia scoffed. "You don't drink?" She questioned the blonde. "I would think given your job that'd be one thing you'd be doing, you know, from the stress." Her eyes trailed over the amount of men that stood in one place too, all admiration of vehicles that were parked, scattered around the biker bar. "Jace, we need to get to Simon." Malia told. "What's the point of hanging around a bunch of posers?" Jace had let out a chuckle, as he noticed the difference between himself and the girl who had lived a mundane life for 18 years. "You think this is funny." Malia was taken back as she continued to follow after the blonde.

    "It's kinda funny."

    "Okay, look, if we're going to save Simon, don't you think you should be teaching me how to fight vampires?" Malia asked before she slowed to a stop as the blonde had concluded his walk through the bar.

    "Do me a favor." Malia sighed as her arms crossed over her chest. "Look over there." He pointed ahead towards the couple that sat together, and from her mundane eye, she had noticed that they were making out. "What do you see?"

    Malia shifted on her feet as she narrowed on the people all doing the same thing. Kissing the other. "There's a lot of people making out." She told Jace before her eyes flickered up to him. "Way too much PDA." Malia commented before looking back to the numerous amount of people, only this time saw something different. Her vision had narrowed on the people who were making out, but it was as if her eyes had deceived her. What she had come to notice was that those making out were those who were feeding.

    Jace noticed how the girl had taken in a sharp breath, and he only worried as she noticed her lingering stare. "Malia?"

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