𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. finding what needs to be

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chapter thirteen

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chapter thirteen. . .
finding what needs to be

    WITH THE SUDDEN blackout that took over the department, Jace's plan was working as he imagined it to be. Lurking around, what he and Malia had been doing was making sure no one could follow either of them to the storage room. The darkness that had taken over the department had forced Malia to use the torch of her phone, as Jace his witchlight that to look around the storage room, where they had met Clary and Ben in order to find Luke's things. Malia sighed as her eyes trailed amongst the loads of boxes they had to search through for just one in particular.

Jace was curious as to what all the boxes held, as he looked among the shelves and rows of filled to the brim with boxes. "What is all this crap?" Jace asked as his eyes fell onto the brunette who chuckled. "Lunch receipts?"

"No, it's their evidence boxes." Malia corrected as she rolled her eyes at the blonde just as the door opening to the vault had opened causing her to turn off her light and quickly grabbing onto her stele to run over the rune to glamour herself. She just hoped the office wasn't a Downworlder or a Shadowhunter. 

Lucky for them, their encounter with neither had seemed to have happened as the officer had walked right by them. Ben's eyes fell on Clary who stood opposite him, and he was more than impressed with the way she had used her Stele. "You're getting pretty good with your Stele." He complimented.

"Well, at least we know he's not a downworlder." Clary shrugged.

"Lucky for us."

Jace's eyes shifted to focus on Malia, ands forced a smile before resting for of the shelf. "Give me a heads up next time you're gonna do that."


Malia had kept to Jace's side as they walked through the rows of shelves for the evidence box that had Luke's name written on the outside of it. A sigh escaped her lips, as she looked over her shoulder at Jace, who looked at the row he faced. "Anything?"

The Adams looked back towards the shelf before her eyes fell onto Luke's name. "Clary," She called for her best friend. "I found it." She told before picking t up from the shelf to carry over to the redhead. 

Malia had rested the box onto the table, and Clary and Ben had joined her and Jace. The brunette peeled the slid off of the box and placed it to the side as Clary begun to rummage through the box. With a picture captured by Veronica, and which Malia had remembered watching, being what she pulled out of the box first, she remembered how easy it was, and how her mind was at ease of knowing where her mother was. As their were more photos collected in the box, Jace only noticed the lingering looks Clary had and it increased their chances of being caught. "This will take all day." Malia scoffed at Jace before she looked back at Clary who had tipped over the box to get through it quicker. "Or you could just do that." 

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