𝐱𝐥. the depths of the mortal mirror

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chapter forty

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chapter forty. . .
the depths of the mortal mirror

VALENTINE MISSING HAD everyone left in a panic. A criminal, who had been in their possession, was missing after the damage he had tried to cause Downworlders and which he had caused. Malia had known that Isabelle's plan was made to make it impossible for him to have had managed an escape but Duncan was a traitor. The brunette had been thinking about the possible involvement that Veronica may have had with Valentine's escape, and finding her would be the answer to their problems.

Malia rested against the table in the Ops Centre that held up a 3D digital view of some of the cabinet meetings that had been cancelled at the Institute and held in the Seelie Court and which neglected Shadowhunters. As her eyes scanned over the amount of people who were attending all because Valentine's escape from his lifetime he deserved in prison. Her attention had been pulled away from the screen as Ben and Clary had marched their way towards the table. The Fairchild was more concerned on finding her father before he caused any more damage.

"Any word from Magnus or Luke?" Clary questioned as she had hoped to avoid the matter in which Ben wanted to discuss with her. Their relationship.

"No." Alec replied as she closed the screen of the computer. "With Valentine free, the Downworld Cabinet has been holding secluded meetings at the Seelie Court." He informed.

Jace's brows arched. "That's not good."

"You think anything good happens in the Seelie Court?" Clary questioned with thought of their latest visit that had turned out terrible for Simon Lewis.

"The Clave isn't gonna let this go unpunished." Alec continued causing Malia to frown. The Lightwood had thought he had been doing the right thing with sending Valentine to Idris but now he felt like he shouldn't have even bothered with sending the idea. "The Inquisitor sent an envoy to assess the situation. Chances are, they'll be the ones replacing me as the head of the Institute."

Malia scoffed. "You gotta be kidding me."

"Not if we could recapture Valentine." Isabelle spoke up as she had felt like her brother deserved to play as the head of the institute as he deserved that role and worked hard to get to it. "Sebastian and all available personnel are searching. We already know Duncan managed to hijack the Portal."

"And I have no doubt that Veronica had some involvement with this." Malia admitted as she donated a faint smile towards Alec. She wanted to help him just the same. He was the perfect head of the Institute.

"If he was Luke's accomplice, he could have been orchestrating the secret transfer all along." Jace had guessed. It was all wonder as to why Duncan had done this to them.

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