𝐱𝐥𝐢. the long lost brother

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chapter forty-one

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chapter forty-one. . .
the long lost brother

MALIA RECALLED HER time at Lake Lynn. It was hard to forget when she had nearly drowned to her death but had been luck when Jace had come to recognise her. But in the dream she was having, Jace wasn't there and she was having water fill up her lands as she tried her best to reach the top of the water. She would try and try to push herself to resurface but it was as if she was stuck in place as she didn't move any further than where she floated in the middle of Lake Lynn. Malia hung out with the seaweed as she tried to reach where the top and which she was believed was the top as the sun seemed to have had been beaming through the water.

But it was of no hope. Malia had gotten tired from the kicking of her legs and the aggressive pull she had been doing on her arms. As she had embraced her surroundings and the thought of her drowning to her death she had noticed her reflection within the water. Mimicking her body position and the confused expression plastered on her face to the point where she believed it was her mind playing tricks with her.

Malia would panic, continue trying to escape as she tried swimming to the top but hardly moving. She felt stuck in place and she felt as if she was suffocating, like she could no longer breathe because of her surroundings.

Jace returned from the bathroom as Malia had been caught up in her dream, he left her side for a minute with belief she was okay but within that minute her breath had caught her in her throat and rasped breaths would escape her lips causing him concern. "Malia? Malia?" Jace hurried over to her in a panic as he had been worried that whatever dream she was having it had caused for her shallow breaths. "Malia? Hey, hey! Wake up--" The teen had shot up within her bed as a shriek had erupted from her lips which had caused the mirror within the corner of her room to shatter before the pieces had fallen to the foot of the mirror. "Hey, it's okay." Jace reassured as he had settled beside her to cup her face into his hands. "It's just a bad dream."

"Jace?" Malia croaked before sighing in relief of the sight of the Herondale. "W-What?"

"You all right?" Jace questioned as his eyes narrowed on the brunette. "You were having trouble breathing..."

Malia nodded. "I-I was back at Lake Lynn." She informed causing Jace's brows to furrow with thought of what she could've seen. "Underwater and drowning..."

"Well, you're all right now." Jace reassured as his hand had fallen into hers to ease her and for her to turn to sleep.

"Jace, everything that happened at that lake, I...I can't seem to get it out of my head." Malia admitted as she pulled her knees up into her chest to hold tightly onto herself.

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