𝐥. the fault of the mark

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chapter fifty

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chapter fifty. . .
the fault of the mark

MALIA HAD COME to the realisation that even the Silent Brothers weren't going to be of help, which Clary and Ben had informed after they had come back from visiting them in seek of help. The mark carved into not only Malia's chest but Clary and Jonathan's, was something they couldn't deal with, there was nothing they could do to help the Shadowhunters. Due to the news, Malia had been been sitting in irritation and a thin amount of patience outside of the medical room, where Magnus laid in a coma, nothing which Malia understood.

She begun to feel useless, even as much as Jace or Simon had comforted her. Malia was awaiting for some good news on Magnus, hoping he'd wake eventually from the moment he had collapsed. But when medics went in and out of the room, he didn't even move, nothing was happening to him, it was like he was a vegetable.

Clary had been pacing up and down in front of Malia, Simon, Ben and Isabelle. Malia pinched the bridge of her nose as she continued to wait for some good news about Magnus' condition, but she was really waiting for him to wake up.

Simon's face softened at the sight of the redhead who let out a heavy sigh that filled the silence between them. "Hey, Fray," Simon called for her attention. "he's gonna be okay."

But Clary had doubt. Since she had returned home and since Malia had risen from the dead, it seemed that everything had turned terrible. "First Luke goes to prison and now this? Why is everything falling apart?"

"Hey." Simon had jumped to his feet to comfort the Fairchild. "Hey. Hey, Fray. Hey. Fray?"

Malia sighed heavily. She didn't want to hear some joke from the Lewis, she didn't want to hear him reassure her when neither of them understood what was happening to Magnus. "What you going to say, Simon?" Malia's silence had broken and she had glared at the Downworlder as his eyes peeled away from Clary he awaited for the comfort of her best friend. "Hm? Do you really think some stupid joke is going to make either of us feel better with what's happening?" With the slight raise in tone, not only did Simon look at Malia quite shocked with her outburst as did Clary, Ben and Isabelle just as Jace had rejoined the group.


She had been filled with the realisation of what she had done, what she had said and how she had said it. A frown played on her lips as she looked at up at Simon rather apologetically. "I am so sorry, Simon. I didn't mean..." Her head fells into her hands, to ran her fingers through the locks of her hair with the feel of stress rising on her shoulders. "I-I can't live like this. I really can't."

"Ben," Clary called for her boyfriend who had pushed himself out of the seat beside the Bellerose. "we have to do it."

Isabelle's brows furrowed in confusion knowing that she had been neglected from knowing what plan Clary and Ben had come up with. "Do what?"

SCREAMS & HEARTS, jace herondaleWhere stories live. Discover now