𝐱𝐥𝐢𝐢. amongst the people

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chapter forty-two

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chapter forty-two. . .
amongst the people

     AN URGENT BRIEFING had been called in the Ops Centre which had caused Malia to meet her friends around the table that Alec leant on as he had gathered his friends. Alec had been thinking of what they were to do as they had the Mortal Mirror within their possession and it was due time when Valentine, Veronica and probably Jonathan would come for it. His thoughts had been spinning around in his mind as he wondered what would be for the best for one of the three Mortal Instruments and the Downworlders.

    Isabelle had marched over in a hurry towards her friends as a sigh had escaped her lips before an apology. "Sorry I'm late." Malia donated the raven haired a smile who had been searching high and low for her little brother, Max. Isabelle had looked in the key places where she would've guessed the freckled boy would be but his lack of presence had brought her to concern. "I've been looking everywhere for Max. Has anyone seen him?

    Ben's arms crossed over his chest as he studied Isabelle. "Have you tried the armory?" He suggested as he knew of the boy's interest just the same. "He's probably sharpening his blades for his assignment."

     Another sigh helplessly left Isabelle's lips. "I checked."

     "We have more pressing matters." Alec's silence had broken and attention had narrowed on him. "Thanks to Dot's help, we now have the Mortal Mirror."

    "And you have it at the Institute." Sebastian spoke as he slowly nodded whilst listening. "And it's well guarded, I presume?"

    "The Elite Guards are the only ones who know its location." Alec stated as his eyes narrowed on the Englishman, who Malia had chosen to keep her distance from giving the kiss he had planted on her. "It's safest that way."

     "Jonathan went after Elliot and Dot to get the Mirror." Clary said causing Malia's eyes to peel away from Alec to her sister. "Now he knows we have it, he's going to come back for it."

     "Agreed." Alec nodded. "Report back with any possible scenarios by which Jonathan, Valentine and Veronica could attempt a breach." He ordered causing Malia to nod in understanding before she begun to step away from the table as everyone had been missed. "Malia," Alec called after the banshee. "any feelings? Anything that could help us be one step ahead?" A frown played on her lips as her head shook lightly. "Whenever you do, let me know."

    "Of course." Malia's attention narrowed on the other Lightwood. "Izzy, I'll help you look for Max." She told before turning away to help with the search through the Institute for the youngest Lightwood.

     MALIA CLENCHED ONTO her phone as she walked through the living quarters of the Institute still trying to find Max who seemed to have disappeared into thin air. She had looked everywhere. The brunette's phone vibrated within her hold causing her eyes to flicker down to the screen where she met Isabelle's name brightening across her screen as she had rung her. Malia rested her phone to her ear after answering the call as she had hope that Isabelle had found the freckled boy and that he was all right, his absence was worrying.

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