Chapter 3- Stuck in the middle

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[Joey P.O.V]

I woke up at 11 to the sound of my phone ringing. I couldn’t fall asleep last night so I ended up watching anime and going on Youtube for hours. I probably watched the Dare the Dawson video over 10 times. I wish that kiss wasn’t staged. I wish there was a chance for another one.

I got out of bed and began my morning routine to get ready.

I looked at myself in the mirror and began to sigh. Why couldn’t I just be happy with my life. I mean I had amazing friends and fans. But something was missing, and I knew what it was. But of course I had to remind myself that it was not going to happen.

I walked to my bed, closed my eyes and became deep in thought.

I needed to tell Shane.

[Shane P.O.V]

I open my eyes and saw my clock. 11:10 am.

I was still tired. I got up and walk into the kitchen to find Lisa with her head down on the table. I walk over to her and sat down beside her.

“Lisa… Are you okay?” I ask.

“Leave me alone Shane.”

I walk away. It’s almost impossible to talk to her when she gets like that. I go into the bedroom and get dressed.  When I’m done I walk towards the door to go to Joey’s.


I turn around.

“Yes Lisa.” I reply “What is it.”

She walks towards me and kisses me.

“Can you please answer something truthfully?” She asks.


“Do you… still love me?”

I look at Lisa. I stare into her eyes. They look sad and confused. What made her think that I no longer had feelings for her?



“Why do you th-” she cuts me off.

“I…stole you phone..for something. I uh- my phone died last night and I needed to make a phone call.”

“Okay?” I say.

“You text Joey like, like you-”

I get angry. She always blames our problems on Joey. Why? He did nothing wrong! It’s her own fault for me pushing her away. She always has things to do and if we go on a date she is always on her phone.

“Just leave Joey out of this okay!!!”

A Change of Heart. (A shoey fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now