Chapter 24-Troublemaker

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A/N: Hey guys! I hope you guys are having an awesome day! I have a really crazy day tomorrow at school so if I don't update tomorrow...that's why. School's been kind of stressful and I have a really scary day tomorrow...:( but I feel much more relaxed writing this story. I hope you enjoy(= 

Chapter 24- Troublemaker

[Joey P.O.V]

I was furious.

And not because I trusted her. No. But because she made Shane believe that she could be trusted.

That she changed.

Well she’s the same person I remember.

Who would drink until Shane told her to stop…which caused her to yell at him even more.

Their fights were ridiculous.

They would be about the smallest little things, like how Shane forgot to wash the dishes.

I remember walking into their apartment because I was making a video with Shane and hearing:


That’s what she called me. And, she could call me that again. I don’t care.

But the way it hurt Shane was horrible.

Shane told me about the way his father would call him those things and it broke my heart.

He didn’t need that again.

I walk out of my car with my hands shaking.

No more of this.

No more of this bitch.

[Shane P.O.V]

“Where the heck is he?”

I sigh and look up at Sawyer. “I think he’s talking to Mike but I really hope he just took a walk or something.”

“Oh no…I really hope it’s not Mike. Have you tried calling him?”

“Yeah like-” I check my phone, “7 times.”

“Alright. Well if he’s not back soon I’ll go after him.”

“No dude. I will. It’s my fault anyway.”

“How was it your fault?”

“Well, last night I got a call from the doctor because apparently some one paid for my mom’s hospital bill. It turns out that it was Mike.”

“Wait…what the hell? Mike?” Sawyer stands up. “The dude that did all that crazy shit? Why?”

“I think that’s why Joey went…”

“Oh my gosh…”

I hear the door open and Joey walks in.

“JOEY! Good thing you’re okay!”

“Yeah... dude we were worried.”

“About what?” he asks.

“Um…did you talk to him?”

“To who? Mike? No…”

“Oh. Then where were you…?” I ask.

“I don’t want to talk about it right now…”

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