Chapter 7- Wanted.

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[Shane P.O.V]

I arrive at my mom's house and get a phone call from Joey. He really helped me through this crazy time. I was so lucky to have him in my life.

When I get off the phone with him I walk up to my moms door with Corny in my hands. My mom opens her door and greets me.

"Hey sweetie! Oh good a doggie playdate!" My mom says smiling.

"Ha yeah..."

I bring Corny to the floor and she runs off with all the other dogs. My mom sees my bag on my shoulder and gives me a questioning look.

"Come into the living room honey," she says.

I follow her into the living room. I see so many pictures of me when I was little. Which was also when I was huge. Wow I looked so different then. So lost, confused. Not that I'm not feeling that now.

"So, should I assume you guys talked last night?"

"What makes you think that."

"You have a bag of clothes sweetheart."

"Yeah mom. Is it okay if I stay here for tonight. If it's too much I can find someplace else..."

"No Shane of course your welcome...but did she kick you out?"

"We're on a two week break..." I say rolling my eyes.

"Who came up with that?"

"She did... but I agreed."

"Oh honey!"

"Sorry to disappoint you mom but I don't think it's going to work out... I mean what she did made me feel like shit!"

"I know Shane. And nothing you do disappoints me! "

"So I'll go unpack in the guest room..."

I walk into the guest room and put some of my stuff in the drawers. Man this was so messed up. I should not be here. Not that I don't love my mom. She's the best. It's just I should be with someone that loves me for me. Who is willing to treat me right. I feel like I'll never find that someone. I sit on the edge of the bed and cry softly. I usually don't cry but right now I feel like that kid from the old pictures. Hurt.

I close my eyes and have flash backs. Bad ones. The ones where my father would abuse us. Tell us were no good. He would come home drunk from work and throw me into the corner and torture me with his words. Tell me I will never be good enough for anyone. That I was a piece of garbage.

I open my eyes and start to cry harder.

I need to call someone.

[Joey P.O.V]

It's 12 in the morning and I am watching anime. I was getting kind of sleepy. Annoying Luke for waking me up so early!

I decide to go to bed. Right as I lie down my phone goes off really loud.

"JOEY!!! I'm trying to sleeeep!" I hear Sawyer yell.

"Sorry Sawyer!"

I run downstairs and outside to answer the call.


"Hi-i Jo-oey."

"Shane? Are you crying?"


"AW! No! Do you need me to come over?"

"No, it's okay. I just need to hear your tell me everything will be okay..."

"Shane! What's bothering you?"


"Do I need to beat anyone up?" I hear him laugh a little.

"Ha, no... I just can't stop thinking- about- about my dad and ho-w he..." he started crying harder. "-how he abused me and told me I was worthless."


"Am I worthless?"

"Wha- NO! No NO no! Shane! Your absolutely not!"

"Why? Because everyone else seems to think I am..."

I start to worry. Poor Shane. He was the complete opposite of worthless. He meant the world to me. He was my bestfriend, that I also loved...

A lot.

But I was to scared to tell him.


"Shane, I just want you to know that you mean so much to me and you are such an amazing friend. Your not worthless! I don't care what anyone says because-"


"Yes Shane."

"I love you."


"I love you too Shane."

He stopped crying. Good.

Did he really love me? My heart was racing..

"I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay Shane. Feel better. What time should I come?"

"2. Come to my mom's..."

"Your mom's??"

"Yeah. I'm living with her for now. I'll explain to you tomorrow."

"Okay. Goodnight Shane."


We hang up.

Why was he not at his apartment?

Did he break up with Lisa?

I fell asleep 2 minutes later.

[Shane P.O.V]

After I called Joey I went to bed. I did not sleep well. Too much to think about. This was such a crazy two days.

I woke up at 10. I walk downstairs and pour some cereal into a bowl and see my mom on tinychat.

I start to smirk. Oh mom. I need to find you real friends.

"Hey Shane!"

"Hey mom."

"Is that your son Theresa?"

Oh my god. My mom and her Tinychat friends. HAHA!

I start laughing and go upstairs. I take a shower and change into something nice.

Joey was coming over! I look on twitter and everyone wanted us to do the sex challenge. HAHA!

I see the 3 minute makeup challenge was big. I ran into my mom's room and stole some of her makeup. This would be funny.

[Joey P.O.V]

I woke up at 11 and got ready to go to Shane's. I mean his moms...

After an hour I was ready and I stared out the window.

What if Shane and I were meant to be?

I had never cared for someone like I did for him.

He was perfect.

Everything I wanted.

I needed to make him feel wanted.

He felt hopeless right now...

I looked at the clock. 1:15!


I ran in the car and drove off.

I got there at 2:10. Damn LA traffic. His mom lived a cute 2 story house. Very welcoming. I walk up to the door and ring the door bell.

I hear a bunch of dogs. Ah! I love dogs. I see Shane's dog run towards the door. I thought she looked like Doby! I see Shane's mom come to the door and smile. She was so sweet.

"JOEY! Sweetheart how are you?" she pulls me into a big hug.

I hug her back, "Good thanks how are you?"

"Just fine. Shane is upstairs."

"No I'm not. Hey Joey," I see him walking down the stairs and pull me into a tight hug.

Please. Never. Let. Go.

"Hey Shane," I say.

After the best 5 seconds of my life the hug was released and he took my hand and we walked upstairs.

"You look nice Shane," I say as we get into his room.

"Thanks, so do you."

"So for today's video..."

He was staring at me.

"Hello? Earth to Shane."

"Ha, yeah the three minute make-up challenge!"

"Okay, but I don't own make-up.."

"Neither do I ! I stole from my mom."

"Oh my gosh Shane! You rebel."

"Hmm. Let's record!"

We record the video. It turned out well. It was so funny to see ourselves fail miserably putting on make-up. I literally put a bunch of lipstick all over my face while Shane had eyeliner on this nose and chin. Oh well. We both look at each other after we finish and laugh. We finish recording.

"Hey you okay?" I ask, "-you know after you called me."

"Yes. You made me feel a hell of a lot better."

"Oh gooood!"

"Lisa basically kicked me out for two weeks so I'm here..."

"Wait. Why?"

"Because she wants a break. She wanted to marry me and I said no so she got upset at the restaurant and..."

"Wait, she asked you to marry her and you said no? Why would she ask you that the day after she cheated?"

"I don't know! I obviously would say no... I mean she broke my heart Joey. "

"I know. That's just sooo hashtag damn cray!..."

Shane starts cracking up, "your so adorable..."

"Awww thanks Shaneee!"



He puts his hand on mine. I hold his hand tight. Of course at this point I'm blushing. I look into his crystal blue eyes. My heart starts racing. Maybe this is my chance. The chance I needed. The chance I thought I'd never be able to get.



"Yeah Joey?"


That's it for today!:) Sorry for another cliff hanger!:P

Thanks for 400 reads! Seriously so amazing!<3

Love you guys thanks so much! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Please feel free to leave me suggestions for the upcoming ones and follow me on twitter:


<333 May the odds be ever in your favour GoooodBye:)

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