Chapter 21- This house is falling apart

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A/N: Last one for tonight! I'll update tomorrow but I start school on Monday...:( So, I probably won't be able to update so often. But I'm going to try to do longer chapter's once or twice a week. Or would you guys rather have shorter chapters three times a week. Comment below so I have an idea...thanks<3 I hope you enjoy this chapter(=

Chapter 21- This house is falling apart!

[Shane P.O.V]

Lisa and Mike left after Lisa talked to my mom for a little bit. It was so weird that he was here. But right before she left, and Mike was waiting, outside she told me something.

“Look I know you’re probably thinking…why is he here? He made me bring him. But I need to explain some things to you, and Joey. Can I please come with you to your new apartment?”

I told her she could but she wasn’t allowed to bring Mike, which was understood.

“Okay…so what was Mike’s deal?” my mom asks

“Oh, let me just tell you!” Joey says.

I start laughing, “Oh girrl don’t even get him started.”

“Well…let’s just say he’s a slut.”

“That would be correct…”

The day drags on and we end up falling asleep on chairs…once again. It wasn’t that comfortable but whatever. Joey fell asleep on my shoulder and my mom doze off at around 9. She must have been exhausted. I couldn’t sleep, once again. I don’t know what it was but I finally drifted off at 11.

“Hey!” I open my eyes to see Tyler, Luke, and Ingrid.

I look to my left where Joey was but he wasn’t even there.

“Where’s Joey-?”

“I’m here!” he walks through the door with what looks like breakfast.

“Oh okay, hey guys!”

Joey was talking with Luke and Ingrid while I was chatting away with Tyler.

“So I broke it off with Mike…”

“Oh shit…when?”

“Last night. He said he was busy with something so when he came back I just told him that things weren’t going to work out. I told him that I was too busy with work and You-tube. I also told him that my mom wasn’t happy that I was dating.”

“Wow. Thanks for not saying anything about us.”

“Oh yeah, no problem. Sawyer couldn’t come today, because he said he needed to take care of something. But, I also found this weird note on my chair. From someone named Asil…? Weird…”

“Oh that is strange…”

“Yeah I know.”

There was no way I was telling Tyler about what Lisa attended on doing. She said she would change and I needed to believe that. Something in me wanted to stay friends with her. She used to be so important to me and I did not want to just end all of that.

The doctor came in and to everyone’s surprise actually brought good news.

“Good news, and even better news…which one first?”

“Hmm…good to better.” I say.

“Good news, Teresa’s health has been great for the past twenty four hours. A great recovery! And now she can go home!”

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