Chapter 31- What Hurts the Most.

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Chapter 31- What Hurts the Most.

[Shane P.O.V]

“WHAT?” I say yelling.

Joey runs over to see what I was furious about. He puthis hand on my shoulder to comfort me but I needed to talk to her. I run outside.

He’d be mad.

Lisa needed to stop.

But something in her voice told me…

She was right.

[Lisa P.O.V]

*Ten minutes earlier*

“Lisa you KNOW you want to do this!”

“No…I really don’t. I’m done being the bad guy here. I need to leave them alone.”

Cat walks right up to me and glares.

“Why Lisa? Shane is never going to be your friend again…he’s never going to love you if you don’t stop being such a baby and actually stand up for yourself!” Cat tells me.

“No see this is where you’re wrong. Shane cares about me. Just not in that way anymore…”

“Exactly! Don’t you want him to care? To love you?”

“What is this even about Cat? Why do you even care…”

“I don’t. I mean…I do but…We both want something from Shane. You want his love, or friendship whatever… and I want…”

“-Let me guess…Joey?”

“How’d you know?”

“It’s obvious…”

“So…you’re with me on this?”

I thought about it for a minute. If I told her I was…it might actually help me. I could warn Shane and tell him about what Cat wanted and she’ll still think I’m on her side and he’ll thank me…

Maybe we could be friends again.

“Okay. I’m in.”

She smiles.

“I knew you would. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Cat says and walks out the door.

I grab my phone.

[Shane P.O.V]

“Lisa…I believe you.”

“Yo-you do?”

“Yes. I always knew Cat was a bitch and even so, you can’t just make something like that up…”

"I'm sorry Shane."

"Please don't make me regret believing you..."

“Shane I’m really sorry about everything. Seriously. I don’t want to upset you or hurt you. I understand if you don’t want to talk to me but I really am sorry.”

“No Lisa I’m sorry too…”

“-And I saw your video…That was extremely brave of you.”


“Look I got to go…”

“Okay. So do I.” I say. “I’ll see you when I get home next week.”

“Where are you?”


“Ah okay. Well have fun and I’ll see ya.”

“Bye. Lisa. Take care.”

“You too Shane.”

I turn around and Joey’s standing there.

“What happened?...”


“You seriously are going to believe her Shane? Come on!”

“Joey she’s right! I know she is.”

“Oh yeah. Even after all the crazy shit she’s done to us over the past month! Shane I can’t believe this…”

“Joey I’ve known her for years…She wouldn’t just make something like this up…”

“Easy for you to say. You know what… Maybe you should just go back with her!”

“Oh come on Joey. You know I don’t like her. I love yo-“

“Then why do you believe her over me?! Lisa’s a crazy whore that made out with Luke! Remember that!?”

“She was uneasy… She’s better now.”

“And what the f**k did she say about Cat?” Joey asks.

“Cat asked Lisa for help...on getting you.”

“Lisa is lying!!!”

“Why would she?”

“Because she has nothing to lose!”

“That’s not-“

“SHANE! Come on!”

I take a deep breath…

I wish I could have stopped myself before I said what I did next.

“Maybe you should just go out with Cat.”

I slapped myself in the face in my head a million times. But what hurt more was what he said next…

“Maybe I should.”


This is the first update for tonight! I'm sorry for the lacking of chapters lately but I've been pushing and trying my hardest.

:( Shoey fighting....:(

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, comment below what you'd like to happen next!



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Thank you for reading and be sure to check out the next update later tonight! 

Love you all<3


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