Chapter 16- Please Don't Leave Me.

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Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update last night. I wasn't feeling well and went to sleep really early. So here's a kind of long Chapter 16:) enjoy!!

Chapter 16- Please Don’t Leave Me.

[Shane P.O.V]

I look over to Joey. I think he got what I meant.

Tonight was going to be unbelievable. I just knew it.

My mom had texted me that she wasn’t going to be home until later because she was finally hanging out with Tara Reid. Yay for her!

When we got to my mom’s I opened the door with her keys hidden under the carpet. Classic hiding place. The lights were all turned off so Joey starts to walk into random rooms turning them on.

“Is that better?” He asks.

“Yes.” I say laughing. “I need to show you something.”


He follows me into the computer room. I see the piece of paper on top of my mom’s computer, like she promised.

I called her last night after I made up my mind that things weren’t going to work out with Lisa. My mom said she’d help look into apartments for me, and she did.

I rip off the paper and show Joey.

“This is the apartment I want. Since I need a new place to stay…”

“Wow.” He says looking through the pictures. “It’s beautiful for spacious skies.”


“Yeah! It’s so nice!”

“Thanks. It’s also five minutes away from you and Sawyer.”

He put the pictures down and smiles “I’m happy for you Shane.”

I was staring at his eyes. His hands on mine.

With no words needed, I lean in and start kissing him. He kisses me back giving my tongue entrance.

He pushes me against the nearest wall. This was going fast and he could tell I was losing balance.


“Come on.” I grab his hand and led him to my old bedroom.

Right when he walks in his eyes land on my old pictures…

When I was fat.


“AW Shane! Is that you?”


“You were sooo adorable!”



“Joey I was fat…”

“No!!! You were so cute!”

“Um what?”

“You were.” He walks up to me. “-And you still are now.”

He holds my face and starts attacking my lips. I walk backwards unto my bed with Joey still hovering over me. He starts kissing my neck softly and my heart starts racing.

Suddenly my phone goes off…

[Joey P.O.V]

Shane’s phone kept going off during our little “make out session.” After the third time, he ran over to his phone and put it on mute.

A Change of Heart. (A shoey fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now