Do it right! 4

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Chapter 4

If I had a dagger right now, the first person I would stab is Ian. He kept staring at me in every class, refused to sit anywhere except beside me and kept bugging me knowing that I would not respond. Even Kate set her eyes on Ian but he still insisted upon sitting with us on the lunch table even though Kate personally came and asked him to sit with her. 

"I would not want to sit with that nerd if I were you Ian. Take my advice, we are a whole lot better than this unworthy loser," she batted her eyelashes causing Ian to gag. 

I know him too well and he doesn't like wannabes. Especially the ones like Kate Winters. 

"I tend to judge people's worth by myself, thank you," he nodded and she frowned. 

A small smile made its way to my lips and she flinched. 

"If you ever happened to change your mind then you are always welcome with us." With this she walked away with an extra sway in her hips. I shook my head smiling with her defeated retreat. 

"You are smiling!" he exclaimed. 

"I'm not," I tried getting my lips to a straight line. 

"You are." 

"Im not." 




"Fuck you."


This is the first swear word I used after coming here. This guy is messing with me again. I just hope that he doesn't get me cracked up and reveal my old self.

Those days were such a thrill. Being bad ass, screwing up the lives of bitches like Kate, never backing down on anything, wandering off the roads late at night, drinking till you go and throw up. But all these things happened with Ian right by my side. We did things together, hell, we even threw up together and laughed at each other sitting right beside our sick.

Memories came flooding in and an involuntary smile crawled its way to my lips. This guy beside me was my whole life until that day he screwed up everything. My smile faded away at the thought of that day and I was pretty sure he knew what was going in my head. 

"Jean, this is the first time you swore here," Arch said surprised. 

"What? She never swore before?" bewilderment stuck on his face, "not even a sentence passed by without her swearing!" 

"Things change Ian. Not everything is going to be like it always was. Right? This is what you told me back then," I stood up slinging my bag on my shoulder, my bad ass attitude kicking up. As I walked away, some guy stumbled across in my way. 

"Hey nerd-" 

And I stopped him, "bugger off bud," I shoved him off aside with my hand and everyone gaped at me.  

Ian, what the fuck are you doing to me!

Home is the best place to be right now. Dad was cooking nice pasta and mom was slacking off at the kitchen island. I know it is a little weird saying things in the opposite way, but hey, in all honesty, I love my dad's cooking. Mom just sucks at making food except for chocolates. Seems that, being the sucker she is in her cooking, she made chocolates for dad on a valentines day. They luckily tasted so good that, she became an expert in making chocolates from then on.

"Mom, dad, Im back!" I yelled coming in.  

"Jean! Sweetheart! How was your day?" mom embraced me in a hug. 

"A total sucker," I went to hug dad. He wore his crisp white shirt and a brown tie which meant he was just back from work. 

"Wanna talk about it?" he offered. 

"No problem dad. Its not much of a biggie," I shrugged it off. 

"You can just give us a clue and maybe we can pick on it?" mom was persistent. 

"Scarlett..." dad gave her the tone and she quickly nodded silencing herself. I wonder how he even does that. Mom is just like a little girl in front of dad. She listens to everything he says and sometimes is naughtier than me. I wonder who the child is here sometimes.

And about her being called Scarlett; well before marrying dad, her name was Alice Scarlett but now she is Alice Roger. Dad was so used to calling her Scarlett that he still sticks on to calling her that. And my full name is Jean Scarlett Roger. Dad was so obsessed with the name Scarlett that he couldn't help but name me so. But there is only one who calls me Scarlett and that is Ian. Screw that guy! Why did he have to step in my life again?

Mom had this puppy dog look on her face pointed at me just to drag out the news from me. Oh god, how did dad deal her with her looks?

"Mom, no, don't give me that look," I stepped back. 

"But I didn't do anything," her puppy dog look intensified. 

"Okay, fine, I'll tell you!" I groaned in defeat. I had only three words to say and the rest is on them. "Ian is back." 

"What? Ian? That Ian Felix? Then where are Len and Isabella?" mom yelled excitedly. 

Len and Isabella are mom and dad's old school mates and probably Len has a great crush on mom and he never got the chance to tell coz dad scared him to death and never let him open his mouth. That's my bad ass dad for you. Guess I got all my bad ass traits from him. 

"They are not here mom, he came to Megan's place..." I trailed off. Wait... why was he in my school today? And that too as a student? Shit! Don't tell me that Ian is back as a student! In my school!

Great realisation after spending the whole day with him dummy!

"Alice, Ash!" I heard the familiar deep voice from across the room. No he can't be here! Tell me that Im dreaming again!

"Ian!" mom ran up to give him a bear hug, "I missed you sweety! Its been more than a year I last saw you and may I say, you look more handsome than the last time." 

He winked at mom with a smug grin, "Do I now?"  

I rolled my eyes with a sigh. I can't believe he is flirting with my mom!

Oh joy!

"Hey son, over here," dad nodded and gave him a hug.  

"I don't think that I can ever beat you in handsomeness," Ian admitted. 

"And sexiness," dad added.  

Duh, again, that's dad for you. I think my dad was my first crush. Not Ray Cunningham. 

"So I am free to assume that you both have made up with each other?" mom looked at us expectantly. 


"To whom am I supposed to listen to?" 



"I am never gonna make up with him mom." And with that I stormed off into my room.

"Look son, I get that you have done something to my daughter that broke her heart. And believe me, she still hasn't told me the reason why. So, the longer she still hates you, more are the chances of me chopping off your head. Coz I tend to remove the things away from her which she doesn't like. Get that?" dad raised an eyebrow. 

"Yes sir," he answered terrified. 

"Now," he paused glancing at his phone, "meet her at school tomorrow." 

"Yes sir," he nodded and scurried away.

As soon as he was gone, I came downstairs and smiled at my dad hugging him, "thanks for doing so dad, I love you." 

"You ask me to and I don't? Never!" 

"Am I missing on something?" mom frowned. 

"This kid texted me asking me to tell that kid to meet her in the school." 

"You did?" mom gave me a questioning look, "you people definitely know how to use technology."

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