Do it right! 25

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Chapter 25

"Mom, I wanna change schools," was the first thing I said when I saw mom.

"What?" she cocked an eyebrow.

"I wanna change schools," I said, this time more clearly and slowly.

"I heard that," she narrowed her eyes, "but why?"

"I don't like that school anymore," I shrugged.

"Makes no sense to me," she shrugged just like I did.

No wonder she is my mother.

"Mom! Seriously! I don't wanna go there anymore!"

"Give me a good reason, then."

"Things are really against me!"

"Just make them alright."

How can she be so cold?

"People grudge on me, mom," I admitted.

"Been through it all. But still survived it," she said nonchalantly.

"You never had anyone to grudge on you! You are the sweetest person!" I argued.

"And so you think," she smirked, "your dad's cousins hated me."

"Dad's cousins? Why?"

"That is some twisted story darling. You remember aunt Kate and uncle Kyle?"

Yeah, I have an aunt named Kate. Just deal with that.

"I do."

"It was them. They hated me. Just coz your dad loved me. Aunt Kate had actually got engaged to your dad in high school. But then I showed up and your dad was hopelessly head over heels on me. They had to call off the engagement and believe me, I had pure torture going on in my life from then on. My projects were torn, I was always tripped, made fun of and god remembers what not! But then I dealt with all of them, got Kate and Kyle together and bam! They were on my good side ever since."

"You got them together?" I raised my brow.

"Yeah, I have a manipulative and persuasive mind, you see," she smirked, "I personally got them married."

Okay, I never thought mom had an enemy in the family and that she had the same name of that of mine! Oh, wait! Make that 'enemies'. But my situation is a lot more worse! These were both girls and I don't have a manipulate mind. Or neither persuasive. Okay, another realisation, I don't even have the brains of my mother! I guess I am not their child. Seriously, what if I was really adopted?

"Mom, am I adopted?" I blurted suddenly.

"Yeah," she nodded slowly.

"What? Really? I am?" I was horrified.

She had a poker face on, "yeah, you are. Sorry darling, I never told you about it."

"Then what about my birth stories?" I nearly screamed.

"I made them all up," she shrugged.

"Then who are my real parents?"

"How would I know?" she asked.

"Scarlett, I'm home!" dad came in.

"Dad!" I screamed, running and hugging him in a death grip, "Am I adopted?"

He remained silent for a while. "Oh, so you came to know," he said sadly.

"So, I am?" I screamed again, tears brimming my eyes.

"Whoa, whoa! Hold it there!" he jerked away from me, his hands firmly gripping my shoulders. "No, you are not adopted. You are my own. My very own precious daughter."

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