Do it right! 3

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Chapter 3

After getting back home I switched off my phone and didn't bother to look into it. 'He will leave' that is all I thought. And hoped.

I got to school early and found that neither Arch nor Meg came. I then switched on the phone and found.. wait!! What??? 157 missed calls? Whoa... And 272 messages? Hey, have I become an overnight celebrity? I don't remember anything like that happening last night. All I remember is seeing the devil and getting pissed off.

"Well well, look who this is! If it isn't the mute nerd!" Kate made her grand appearance. I know how to come with the perfect comeback and shut her up but no! Those are the things which the old Jean who stayed with Ian did. But now I chose to be a nerd and I shall do it.

I gripped my books tight and looked at the floor.

"What nerd? Finished reading all the books? There is still a library left," they giggled again.

I let a sigh slip owing to their idiocy.

"Go hide your stupid face somewhere, loser!" she sneered and went away with the whole battalion.

Round 1 of stupidity; completed.

I headed back to my class and went and sat in the last bench. Yup, and no one sits with me!


I don't want the stupidity flu affecting me too!

Arch and Meg came in together laughing about something and sat in the bench in front of me.

"Hey guys!" I called.

No reply.


Still no reply.

"Are you ignoring me?" I raised a brow.

They sighed but still didn't make a sound.

This irked me, "what the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled.

"Why don't you tell us Jean? We were buzzing you like crazy but you didn't care to reply! You could have gone and at least message me that you were home! We were worried sick about you!" Meg yelled.

Okay, my fault.

"Im sorry. Its just that seeing Ian all of a sudden after one whole year drove me crazy! Im so sorry guys," I hugged them both.

"Was someone talking about me?" My heart melted at that sexy deep voice.



I let out a frustrated groan.

I felt a strong tug at my waist and a face leaning into my neck and take a loud sniff of my hair. "Hey sexy, I missed you," he whispered in my ear and my face fumed red.

I could see everyone in the class gaping at me and I struggled off his grip.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

"Oh Im sorry I thought that you were Megan," he smirked and went to Meg for a hug.

Meg understood the tension in the class and introduced Ian as her cousin loudly.

"Oh my god! He is so sexy!"

"Wonder if he is single."

Those were the current murmurs going around in the class. But then...

"Saw that nerd? How could he even compare her to Megan?"

"Can't believe he just hugged her like that!"

"She snapped at him; that nerd."

"Heh... Coz she might have never had a hug before. Duh."

Yeah, way to go and make your appearance and first impression in the school Felix. Start toying with me. Again!

He looked at me with a smirk filled face.

"Hey, I am Ian Felix. And you are?" he forwarded his hand to shake mine.

What? Does he have amnesia of some sort?

"Umm.. I-I am Jean Scarlett," I shook his hand looking all around the class. All the girls were glaring at me. Not good. Not good at all.

"Sorry about that," he winked grinning like a cheshire cat. Oh I know that you aren't sorry at all!

Mr. Foster came barging in and everyone settled down. He immediately called up Ian and introduced him to the class. As there was no seat left free, he asked him to sit next to me.

"As your both schedules are the same, I am sure Jean will help you out with your work and be with you. Right Jean?" Mr. Foster asked. Can I say no to any teacher now? I was never this vunerable to anyone before coming here.

"Yes sir," I sighed as Ian smirked sitting next to me.

Mr. Foster began his lecture and I kept looking at the board. From the corner of my eye I could see him stare my face without even blinking.

"Ignore me all that you want Scarlett. We all know that you are going to come back to me eventually."

This made me face him. I looked at him right in the eye.

"You wish Felix, you wish," I hissed narrowing my eyes.

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