Do it right! 28

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Chapter 28

Time and tide, waits for none.

This one proverb kept reeling in my mind and with every second passing by, I was getting close to a nervous breakdown.

I had missed a good year of basketball and going through it all over again is difficult. And, this year I will have to work under some other's captaincy, which is so not me. It was always Jane and me against the opposing team. But the other players did count when the game was in a crisis and my girls were the best. What do I do without them?

And very soon, I was shoved into the girl's changing room by none other than the legendary Ian Felix.

"I don't wanna go!" I squeaked as he slammed the door shut on my face.

"I will be waiting in the court. If I don't see you come out in another five minutes, I am gonna drag you out with whatever clothes are left on your body," he threatened and I heard his retreating steps.

Ian could be such a bully at times. I mean, I was the toughest badass in the town and this guy just makes me look like a kid! And the one thing I should never take lightly about him were his threats. He meant everything he said and he would do it if necessary. I wouldn't wanna be dragged out in just my undies!

Ugh! That was a horrific imagination!

I got changed just in time as Ian swung open the door.

"Missed the best part, I suppose?" he smirked, leaning against the door frame as other girls made their way in squealing and giggling, looking at Ian.

I rolled my eyes and saw that the whole cheer team and a few girls whom I supposed were the basketball players entered along with Jane and Kate.

"You dared to come play again?" Jane raised an eyebrow at me.

"Scared that I will be better than you?" I smirked and she shut her mouth.

I flipped my ponytail as I turned to walk out and Ian grabbed me by my waist. Jane stomped the floor hard enough that all the girls stared at her. "I'm so gonna get her back for this!" she growled, slamming the door shut behind us.

The girls took nearly fifteen minutes changing and I was already throwing the balls into the hoop along with few of the guys as a warm up. The guys were great and had a potential to pull off States. I was just wondering if the girls were in the same level as well.

Soon enough, the door opened and the girls came in, few in their jerseys and few in their shortest of the short skirts which they call their uniform. Guys went wild with wolf whistles and the girls threw seductive looks. Oh, now I know why the team loses everytime! Coz they barely do anything other than flaunting their bodies in front of the guys.

I let out an exasperated sigh and looked around. I found Jane mirroring my face to the scene in front of her and I chuckled. No matter how much we fought, we still were best friends at one point of time and I know just what she thinks. And I have to agree, no matter how much of a bitch she is, she still played her game with her heart. She was not the one to give up at anytime. And I respected that.

"Okay, okay, settle down now, people!" Mr. Park whistled and the chatter died down. "Now, we start the official training session for this season and I need everyone in their top form! Get that? Now, out in the football field. We shall do the laps with the football team on the field today."

We jogged down to the football team and saw that the guys were already practicing there. Ray waved at me and suddenly barked a few orders for which the whole team huddled together.

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