Do it right! 26

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Chapter 26

"You got slow, Jean," Jane smirked as she made another shot.

I growled as I went for my shot quickly after hers. She smacked my ball from me and dribbled away.

Score: 7-0

I was losing. Real bad. And I knew that. And may I please add that I never lost to Jane? Like, ever!

"What the hell, Scarlett?" Ian screamed from the sidelines. Kate was grinning like never before and everyone in there were cheering for Jane.

Oh no, nu-uh! I am not gonna let her win anytime soon. Atleast in this life time. The game has always been mine and always will be mine. I have taken no oath in losing at basketball. I always win and win. There was no losing in this. This was my game!

My adrenaline got pumped and I rushed to the ball; I needed to get the ball back. I needed to take no blame. Ian was right, Jane couldn't handle her team.

Score: 7-2

I should not let this nerd girl lead my life. I don't want to regret my life in the future.

Score: 7-4

I am not gonna let anyone; not anyone bully me from now on.

Score: 7-7

I'm tired of this. Dad was right, moving on is what I should do, not brooding over it and change myself for no reason now. I cannot turn back anything and I know it. I should not cause myself all this pain. Nor anyone else for this matter. Old Jean should come back. She needs to. And she will.

Slam Dunk!

The whole gym went silent and the only cheering was done by Ian, who lift me up and twirled me circles as I laughed. We sobered up and he placed me down and I faced Jane.

"Maybe I don't deserve the blame afterall," I smirked, flipping my hair back. "You lost Jane, just like always."

"How dare you, Jean?" she sneered.

"Keep all that ego to yourself, huh, Jane? You know that it won't work out with me."

"Okay ladies, calm down! And hey! What do you know? You three passed the tryouts for basketball and are in my main team. Practice starts from tomorrow, after school," coach said.

"Sure coach, thanks!" I nodded, making the whole class gape at me.

"Okay, is this the nerd I knew or does she have an evil twin?" Kate asked Jane, as we walked out of the gym.

"Nerd?" Jane asked baffled.

"Of course! That one which you played against just now."

"Why are you calling her a nerd?" she frowned.

"Coz she is one! Duh!" she rolled her eyes, "and how in the world do you know her as well?"

"They were both my classmates," she sighed.

"Both?" she exclaimed.


"That means even she knew Ian from before?"

"She knew Ian right from her birth," she sighed loudly, "why are you asking me that, Kate?"

"She denies knowing Ian from before," she shrugged, "no wonder they are so close!"

"Umm, Kate?"


"Are Jean and Ian are like... umm, you know? A relationship?" she stuttered, fidgeting with her normal clothes.

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