Do it right! 5

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Chapter 5

Its been two days and looks like Ian has got all the female attention already. Although the one thing he really wants isn't coming to him; me. If he really wanted me then he could start acting more like a gentleman than being the egotistical pea brain he is. He will never apologize and I would never forgive him. He keeps going everywhere I go but keeps a little distance acting as if he has never known me and this is the first time he has met me. He gets on my nerves so badly!

Our English sir began playing some movie in the class and darkened the class room. It was a typical romantic 60's movie and I was so close to gagging at their god forsaken drama. Ian noticed my disgusted face and chuckled.

"No matter how hard you try, you are still the same Scarlett."

"Old habits die hard," I shrugged.

He fiddled with the hem of his shirt with a frown on his face. Oh I know that face, he wants to tell me something but he wants to weigh it clearly before it is out. I waited till he decided and he turned his face to me. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish but nothing came out. He shook his head vigorously and turned front. I shrugged sighing and turned front too.

He suddenly placed his palm on my thigh and jolts of electricity passed through my body. I instantaneously shot my head towards him and saw him frown. Really? No smirking or chuckling? What in the world in wrong with this boy?

"Ian?" I held his hand on my thigh to remove it from there but he instead intertwined our hands and held mine tight. I looked at him with utter bewilderment and he mumbled, "Stay-," and looked at me with a tender look in his eyes, "-please. I have missed you too much."

I might want to be cruel but hey, let's face it, I have a soft spot somewhere deep within too and looking at this guy with that expression just melts my heart. And so I stayed.

For three freaking hours!

Admit it Jean, you like him.

No! I just feel pity.

You don't feel pity towards someone you hate. That's not normal.

Well, who said that I was normal anyway?

Debating within myself, I fell asleep somewhere in between the movie. In my subconscious senses, I could hear giggles and murmurs and a weight on my head. Shucks! What the hell was happening?

I reluctantly opened my eyes and saw Meg and Arch hovering above in front of me with wide grins spreading from one ear to the other and a few other people clicking pictures of me. I looked down and found myself clutching onto Ian's hand. His head was upon mine and when I realised it, Meg and Arch began laughing out.

I peeled his head off mine by pulling his hair and he woke up screaming.

"Fuck you Scarlett! What'd you do that for?"

"You deserved it," I replied nonchalantly and stood up slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"You were the one who fell asleep first!"

"You could have done the same to me instead of taking advantage," I shrugged.

"You know that I wouldn't hurt a girl!" he complained.

"Suit yourself, but you know that I would rip you apart," I gave him the cold eye and he shuddered.

Then I realised that what I was doing was going exactly opposite to the image which I built for myself. People were staring at me as if I had a split personality and few were recording it. Shucks, my image is running down the gutter.

I panicked.

And Ian noticed it.

"What are you looking at? Go do your work!" he growled and everyone scurried away.

I slumped back onto a chair with a sigh as everyone went out except for the three.

"What do you want from me Ian?" I asked. This silent treatment is not going to work anymore on him. He is way too persistent and who would know that better than me? Just three days in the school and he is almost blowing up my nerdy disguise.

"The same. I wanna be your friend again," he sat facing me.

"And why do you think I will agree to that?"

"Babe, we all know that I was drunk as fuck that day. Anyway, he deserved that."

"You beat him to death darn it! He was my fucking boyfriend!" I roared furiously.

His jaws tightened and I could see his fists balled at his sides.

"Jean-" he took a deep breath. He never calls me Jean except when he is very very very very angry.

"He was in a fucking coma you asshole! Now he has got amnesia and doesn't even remember who I am! I loved him you bastard!" Tears rolled down my cheeks and I buried my face in palms.

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