Chapter Four

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I was walking around the mall with Leslie talking about what had happened.

She started asking me questions and then she asked if I thought something was going to happen between me and Niall. I said maybe, but I wasn't too sure.

"Well you know, if nothing happens between you 2, then I'm available. Plus he's rich, so that's a bonus!"

Leslie was one of my best friends, she was a really nice and fun person, but the one thing I didn't like about her was, she LOVED money.

Even if she didn't have an interest in a guy, as long as their wallets were full she had a smile on her face.

"You have to stop trying to chase guys with money Leslie! Money isn't everything you know.."

"I know but I just like stuff! Oh well enough about that, lets go check out the dresses for Chelsea's birthday bash this weekend! I saw some cute ones in that one store on the other side of the mall."


When Liam walked through the door all the guys screamed,

"Niall! Time for you to get spanked!"

Liam raised his eyebrow.

"Relax guys, it's nothing bad, I just need to have a talk with him about his little date today."

"Chooooow! Niall's got a girlfriend!"

"C'mon guys shut up, no I don't."

"Whatever ignore them let's go upstairs and talk"

Liam told me as I followed him up the steps.

"So what do you think about Janice?"

"Er, I don't know, she's alright I guess. She seems cool, but I don't know if I'm all that into her, she's hiding herself and you know I don't like that."

"True, you just make her nervous, heck, I'd get nervous around you! But just give her one more chance. A friend of hers and Dani is having a birthday bash on Saturday at 7. I told Dani I'd go and take you with me. She kind of already told Janice you're going, so you have too!"

"Aw, why'd you do that for! What part of stop setting me u-"

"I know, I'm sorry man, but please, this is the last time I'll bug you. C'mon do it for me!"

"Fine. This is the last time though. After this I'm done with your little setups. With all of your guys' setups and I mean it."

"Okay thanks mate, I owe you one."

"Well no duh! You owe me dinner for the rest of the week."


Then we walked out of his room and found the guys running away from the door.

"Wow! You guys can't ever get enough gossip can you?!" I said.

"Run faster before he catches up! Louis shouted.

"Yeah you better run!"

I chased after him but stopped once they got to the stairs.

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