Chapter Thirty Eight

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Danielle hugged me before she turned around and left to go wait for the guys to come over.

I was honestly just so happy.

"Would you like some eggs and bacon, friend?"

I could hear him laughing as I pulled stuff from the fridge.

"Sure, why not, friend."

I began to crack up with him this time.

"Okay, cool. Coming right up!"

"As soon as this damn cast comes off, we're going on our date. I already have a plan."

I looked at him, and he was staring at me smiling.

"Really? Can I ask what it is."

"No you can't ask silly. It's a surprise, and I'm very excited. But sad at the same time because I probably have to keep this damn thing on for at least another month right?"

"I'm excited too. Don't worry, we can have mini dates, we can watch movies, order food, play video games, prank call, and just do fun stuff, not everyday has to be boring with a cast!"

"Wow, now I'm even more excited for our mini dates."

He was looking at me smiling, making me blush and smile like crazy.

"Me too, friend. Okay, now let me finish up breakfast and we can have our first mini breakfast date."

I finished getting out the eggs, bacon, and weenies.

After about 20 minutes everything was ready. I placed the food on plates and placed them on the dinner table, I got out some cups and poured orange juice into them. I walked over to Niall and held out my hand.

"Ready to go on our first date, friend?"

"Sure am!"

I helped him up and we went over to the table.

I felt comfortable around him, we could talk about anything. I liked it. We were almost done with our food when there was a knock on the door. I heard talking and noise and I immediately knew who it was.

"Come on in hooligans."

"Yay you made us breakfast!" Louis yelled.

Everyone laughed, "Help yourselves, there's plates in that cupboard there, cups in the one next to it, and there's juice in the fridge."

Danielle came to sit with us at the table as the rest of the guys struggled amongst themselves trying to get the food.

"Did we interrupt something?" she smirked at me.

"Yes!" Niall yelled.

I playfully smacked his shoulder.

"Kind of, but we were just finishing up our breakfast, it's no big deal."

"You mofos interrupted me and Janice's food time!" he said turning to the guys in the kitchen.

"Nice you have you back mate." Zayn replied.

"How are you feeling?" Liam came to join us at the table followed by the rest of the hungry guys.

"Well I still have a cast, but other than that I'm okay, and I feel so much better now that I can remember everything."

"That's good to hear." Liam said.

"So you two made up aye?" Harry winked at Niall.

He threw his napkin at him.

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