Chapter Eight

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"Well remember how a couple days ago I told you how I went out with Niall? ..Well today we were going to 'go out' again but to a party at Chelsea's. So I brought Leslie with me, then when we got there someone spilled drinks on me so I went upstairs to change and stuff. And when I came back down Niall and Leslie were making out right in front of me. So I ran out and ran home. I still .. I can't believe she would do this to me."

"I'm so sorry Jan. I thought you guys were best friends?"

"We ar.. were. I bet you no one has even noticed I left."

"Well that's not a true friend. If you want I can spend the night with you so you won't feel so lonely?"

"I would actually like that, I need some comfort, haha."

"Then lets go get some ice cream, rent a movie, and we'll come back over here to watch it."

"Okay, thank you."

I picked up my keys from the counter and we walked out into the outside hallway and through the back to the parking lot. We got in my car and drove off to the nearest grocery store and then to a rent a movie place.

I really wasn't in the mood for romance or a chick flick so we got Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Once we were on our way back my phone started ringing. I didn't answer since I was driving. Once we got back to my place it rang again, it was Danielle. I answered it.

"Janice where are you? I've been looking all over for you, I went upstairs and you weren't there!"

I could hear loud music playing in the background.

"Umm.. I left."


"Because I s.. Because I started to feel sick so I left. "

"Oh. Well are you feeling better? And how'd you get home?"

"Yeah I'm better. I walked.. Listen, I'm drowsy from my pills so I'm going to bed, and I'm leaving early in the morning tomorrow so if you don't find me that's why."

"O-okay, wait where are you going?"

"I have to go Dani, bye .."

I hung up.

I lied, I wasn't going anywhere I just didn't feel like talking to anyone. Sonia was the only person I was allowing to talk to me and I didn't feel okay enough to explain what had happened all over again. I needed some alone time.

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