Chapter Forty One

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"N-no.. what? No.. ? Why not? Oh my.. no, no? I can't believe th-"

"Niall! Relax, I was just kidding! Of course I'll be your girlfriend, I'd be a fool to say no and mean it. I just wanted to see how you reacted, pretty funny if I do say so myself."

"You're evil, you know that?"

"I know." I smiled poking him on the cheek

"I almost threw a fit because I was about to not get what I wanted."

"Oooh, so just because you're famous you think you can get whatever you want, well excuse me but I'm not an object."

"Well duh, I'm Niall Horan, of course I get what I want."

"What would you have done if I said no for real then?"

"I would have taken you on so many more dates, given you flowers, serenated you if I had to, anything to get the one I want to be with."

"You're cheesy, but I like it. But I'm going to have to hold you up on those flowers and the whole serenating thing, sounds fun and nice."

"Maybe, one day, for sure."

"Good. Thanks again, for this lovely date. I honestly had fun. Probably one of the best dates I've been on."

"Not the best?"

"Na, my last boyfriend took me to see the moon."

"I'll take you to see the stars then, although even as beautiful as that sounds, no sight will ever be as beautiful as you."

"Okay, what did the people back in the restaurant put in your food?"

"Nothing, I'm just crazy about you."

"If you're a drug addict, tell me now, I know a rehab person, and I refuse to go out with someone who's addicted to crack."

"You're the only drug I'm on."

"Alright, that's it. Let's get out of here, it's getting late, and if not you're going to over do the cheese and I'm going to end up punching you in the face to make you stop."

"Ouch, feisty now are we?"

"Oh be quiet. C'mon, I'm driving though, not too sure you're stable."

"Oh, no. I'm stable, I'm just tripping because I'm about to fall for you."

"You're not going to stop are you?"


"Hm, okay." I sighed, pretending to be annoyed, but ended up laughing.

"You like it, don't deny it."

"So what if I do, but not as much as I like you."

"See now you're going to start being cheesy as well!"

"Oh no, we're not starting a cheesy war, let's just go."

"Alright, drive us out of here ma'lady."



one month later



We're currently in my apartment watching a movie with everyone in here. Danielle, Sonia, and all the boys are here.

We're all just hanging out being young adults enjoying ourselves. The boys are going to start touring again in a few days, so we're all just enjoying each others company. Of course the boys have other friends, but our little group here has gotten so much closer these past weeks it's insane.

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