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The start
While on Kik messaging my mate at a stupid time in the morning, I said goodnight to him when another pop up went through, I found that very weird only 1 person talks to me at such time. It was a NumNums pop up from a guy called Carlos that visited my NumNums so I thought "this is going to be another quiet person" I guess I was wrong as he sent a Picture of our NumNums together with a "hi" after that hi we started talking getting to know so little about each other.
A few weeks passed and well we still talked to each other every so often but the sad thing is he lives in america so there is like 6hrs between our timezones. I was with Wesley at the time but not at the best of moments we grew apart so slowly and I just find it odd that Carlos made me happier than what Wesley could never do. I deleted Kik so I can at least spend more time with Wesley in our dead useless group but he was still in the same moods of all moods so I thought to toughen our love more which I thought was a great idea until the date February the 1st when he decided to break up. One week with a small conversation with Kelly still didn't made me happy even my other best mate Jordan didn't make me happy and those two are my only two mates on WhatsApp so I decided to go back on Kik I had over 20 messages from all my gamer mates also a few from my little brother from Sweden helped a lot with my sadness so I would like to class him as a brother cause we are close than best mates same goes for Kelly and Jordan they are like my small family. Yeah so I went back to Kik and mostly saw messages from Carlos so I messaged back to him and then we both started talking again.
Till that day I was happier than ever from all the nice things he said, I know its what people do behind the phone to get peoples feelings played and stuff more like "Catfish" but gotta say we do Skype most times a week so that most likely proved himself a lot. It wasn't long since we got together but pretty much moved on fast enough. Carlos is more of a positive respectable guy, mostly worries about everything but less guys are like him now a days to be honest.

The Month
We skyped a lot for weeks but I felt bad for falling asleep on him before he calls its really that hard staying up as late as possible to talk to someone you love at like 3am, 4am also 5am so yeah a struggled there. Besides that one bad thing we talk for hours and hours till eventually we both sleep in that same call its how we feel close. We talk about alsorts of things about our future its pretty exciting but there's that one thing that bothers me is how far he lives and all that stuff. We don't argue at all so we came up with an argument on who loves who most lol its pretty much how we argue. He met my 3 best mates in the whole world and only likes one of them I think. We are totally different like he's an hipster I'm an emo sooooo yeah I mean its pretty boring when you date someone that likes the same things as you it doesn't give you that much of a conversation but my nan said "no matter how different you are, your interesting to someone" so I held on to what she said and it really helps. We do talk about our past sometimes to have that pain feeling in our hearts and telling him everything the bad shit that basically happens and he does the same so then we both sort of understand each other a lot. We had an issue with my ex like 2 weeks ago he rudely interrupted our call and well carlos got jealous and curious but I don't blame him at all but yeah the ex don't bother us anymore so happy to move on again. I do question myself sometimes like "do I trust him and does he trust me?" It sort of brings that paranoia so I wouldn't like to think to much about it. Some people will agree that long distance can challenge the people you want to be with like it gives you so much toughness to test how long will you keep holding on to this person on the other side of the world, so Carlos is my second long distance guy I met I just hope he doesn't give up so soon and just accept the challenge on what long distance gives to him.

The funny thing is every time I be this cold hearted, death loving freak he finds that cute so pretty much found that interesting lol. He accepted that I'm stupid, forgetful and well lazy which that was an issue with everyone else that dealed with me so he made me happy that he accepted the person I have come to be. So I accepted him in every way jealous, dirty minded, worried, strong, trustworthy. I haven't told my parents about him yet cause I not long ago had a broken heart so it'll be too soon to tell my parents about him as they are protective and find every guy I date heartless and sex addicts (which they find everything I say about my boyfriend is bullshit so I given up trying to convince them) but hey, parents are suppose to be protective of their own flesh and blood if some of you can't deal with that well you gonna have issues (not being mean its just life). He told his friends and parents about me and my devil, I felt my blood boiling through my heart so I felt guilty but he told me not to worry cause one day he gotta meet them also that's true lol. Well when I told Kelly about him she didn't accept him at all cause what happened yet again she's very protective over me is why I class her as a sister and also she's special and I will never in hell replace her. So I've talked and talked to her about him she said "he sounds nice but I wanna see it for myself" so I made a group with us 3 and they only talked for a little as Carlos is busy with school but Kelly liked him as a friend of cause so happy that she does. My little brother Erik he didn't mind at all about him so he kept his thoughts silent so wasn't much of a deal same goes for Jordan as he is the most quietest one of them all.

This chapter is not the story yet its just how we started of but what I wish is that if he was here, its what everyone wants in long distance. So this is my explanation chapter then the next will be my little fantasy. This may seem boring or too much but I'm just doing this so there is more love than death in my stories lol. I'm really not a fantasy woman or anything like that its just to much of a mushy mush thing, but this will be my first story ever about fantasy and all that lovey stuff.

This is all I have to tell I hope you have a good read and can't wait for the story.

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