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I decided to go to school on my BMX when I suddenly crashed into Jordan "shit sorry, are you ok?" I apologized while getting off my bike "no worries Meg I'm ok" he smiled while he rubbed his leg "look, I know your hurt let me give you a ride its better than walking" I said, Jordan smiled "I thought you never asked" then he jumped at the back on my stands "don't fall off" I soon speed off down the hill standing up while Jordan is holding on my shoulders with a huge grin. We entered the schools bike sheds "Meg let me lock that up your obviously doing it all wrong" he said pushing me to a side, we slowly walked inside the place while seeing the duties checking the year 7s, 8s and 9s bags "what's going on?" I asked Jordan looked closer "oh they are doing the energy drink search again, this school is getting pathetic each day" he said when his smile soon disappear "ugh I swear can they ever stop being like this" I said loudly while most duties stared at me, I slowly gave them a cocky grin "let's go" I ordered Jordan through my closed teeth. As we was near the entrance one of the duties called me over "you with the stripes come here" she ordered I slowly walked over to her "bag" as she snapped her fingers at me I soon gave her a nasty look then gave my bag to her, she snatched it and opened it "clear" she said throwing it back in my arms "you seriously need to be neat look at the mess you made" I said then she gave me a horrid look "talk to me like that your going to detention" she grinned but I still didn't care "take me to detention I don't care anyway" I grinned at Jordan while he face palmed. As I was arguing with a duty Carlos came up behind me "hi Meg" I looked behind me then I pulled a smile "hayo Carlos I'm a bit busy here" I said turning back at the duties red face "haha your funny" he said pulling me away from the duty "Carlos what are you doing?" I said when my voice was rising "I'm not letting you get in trouble so no arguing with school members ok?" He ordered so I nodded my head.

Kelly came up behind us with Jordan "OH MY GOD MEGAN that was funny as fuck" she shouted with a loud laugh then I laughed with her "I know she took the piss though" I smiled while putting my arm around her shoulder then the 4 of us walked to an empty table talking about random stuff before it was lessons. It was time for lessons but time speeded up then Josh decided to make fun of me to impress his so called friends "look at her smiling over there go back to Wales you freak" then laughed with his friends, he kept going on and on and on until I stood up grabbed my maths book slowly walking over to his table "anything else you want to say" I said while grinding my teeth "look at the state of you, you dunno how to wash yourself haha" I grabbed his shirt lifted him up and whacked my book hard a crossed his face until I see a red mark "don't EVER make fun of me for your shitty entertainment" I said then walked back to my table to grab my bag then left the class when the teacher told me to. Kelly followed me "are you ok?" She asked looking worried "I'm ok just tired of these jerks literally had it up to here with this school" I said dragging my bag on the floor. We sat in the hall waiting for break, I started to play music without the earphones in "what is this song?" She asked
"Lithium by evanescence" I answered, she slowly bopped her head back and fore to the music "I like her" she smiled then I smiled back "yeah she is amazing" I said back softly.

As the break started Jordan, Erik and Carlos went to the table where me and Kelly was sat on "hiiii Meggy how come your out early?" Carlos said with his arms around my neck hugging me from behind "I snapped at a jerk so the teacher then sent me out" I said with a thrown "also she whacked him with a maths book" Kelly added so he sat next to me looking disappointed "can we talk in private?" He asked me so I nodded yes then he grabbed my hand then walked outside where nobody stood "Meg I told you to not get into detetion can you please try and keep the anger in?" He asked with puppy eyes "ok only for you, why do you care so much about me?" I asked, he looked down at his feet and saw a leaf trapped under his foot then let it go "its because Meg I like you and don't want you in trouble, your a nice girl just not around people that ticks you off" he said while hugging me tightly "alright I understand" I said hugging him back tighter. We both went back on to the table with the rest of my friends "where have you love birds went off to?" Erik asked with a loud laughter "just had a talk is all, where is your cringy girlfriend?" I asked with a mocking laugh "she's sick" his smile turned into a sad look.

The awkward moment ended as the teachers shouted for lessons, my next lesson was art I quickly ran upstairs with Jordan having a race while Kelly watched and laughed at us "HA I WON" Jordan shouted with his hands up in the air, me and Kelly gave him applause saying well done then we all ran to lessons while I quickly put my earphones in. When I sat down I was the last one out of the whole class, Sophie and Lola looked at me in shock, my eyes widened "uuuum did I do something wrong?" I asked softly they both nodded their heads no "your in class later than everyone" they explained while I put my sketchpads down "oh that, yeah, me and Jordan was having a race and he won so its probably why we was late" I explained then grabbed my pencil out and carried on drawing my Lawliet. When it was close to lunch some classes was out five minutes early so Carlos stood outside my classroom door waiting for me to leave.

When me and Carlos was eating alone outside in the heat some group of people shouted over "how's your date going?" They mocked so Carlos shouted over "its going pretty good thanks" I smiled that he classed it as a date, he then put his arm around my shoulders while Kelly and Jordan walked over "was looking for you 2 love birds" she said smiling. As it was closer to home time Carlos nicely asked me to walk home with him "of course just need to tell Kelly and Jordan also Erik before that time comes" I said smoothly, he then nodded his head agreeing what I just said from that time English lesson started and everyone got separated for their lessons.

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