Sleep Over

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It was lunchtime as Kelly and Jordan was already in our table usually I see Erik and his girlfriend sat there first being all flirty, which I'm glad those two got there before Erik and his girlfriend which really make me sick of sitting facing them kissing and stuff. I sat down next to Kelly then she gave me a big hug with a big smile on her face "ok, where's Kelly?" I said looking a bit confused, both of them looked at me like they seemed high on weed or something. They both snapped out of it "I'm meeting Jordan's mum" she said looking all jolly, I pulled a surprised smile then wished her good luck. Erik and Carlos joined us a bit later, Erik looked like death so Carlos grabbed my arm then pulled me away from the table while Kelly looked at me in confusion then I looked back with wide eyes. He pulled me to a wall with his hands on my shoulders "Erik's misses left him" he said while looking sad for Erik "uh, ok I never really liked her anyway, but how is Erik?" I asked without being heartless, Carlos pointed to Erik "look at him, he's emotional wreck" he said trying to not get mad at me, "I dunno what to do... Seriously why are you stressing about this, she left him that's how that bitch works" I said looking cold into Carlos's dark eyes "ok, ok, your right should we go back?" He asked giving me a hug, "sure" I said holding his hand pulling him to my direction.

Home time was a minute away and my class was the first ones out. Then Kelly, Jordan and Erik walked towards me with other students behind them "right Meg message me when your in Carlos's house I need to know if your ok" Kelly said looking strict "yeah you know I will haha" I said giving her a big hug then Erik and Jordan joined our hug so it turned out as a group hug, they left me standing there waiting for Carlos, then he showed up 3 minutes later "you ready baby?" He asked while grabbing my hand then I nodded my head yeah then we both walked off to his direction getting seperated from the rest. We went through a block of houses until we walked to the blind spot where Carlos grabbed me and pull me in his embrace then kisses me roughly "it'll be amazing if you slept over babe, could that happen?" He asked with a smile on his face "I'll call my mum to see if I can" I said looking at him weirdly then we both walked on. We started to mess about where I ran and he chased after me then when he caught me he lifts me up then spins me around to make us both laugh.

We reached his house, as I entered Carlos shouted something to his parents in a different language as I had no clue then all you know I heard my name then looked puzzled while he pulled me upstairs. We entered his room "you can sit on my bed if you want" he offered then I walked over to his bed like a lost school girl in a strangers house as I'm shy, my mind went crazy as I haven't shared or been in a boys room. As I was day dreaming Carlos called my name twice then gave me a glass of water "you look sick Meg are you ok?" He asked then sat besides me with his arm around my shoulders "I'm fine just a bit nervous" I said drinking the water after "awe cute haha" he said then got up from the bed to lock his door then my eyes widened "I need to call my mum" I said trying to not struggle with my words, when I pulled my phone out Carlos had his back facing me while he was checking his phone. When I hanged up I Called his name "she's fine with me sleeping here" I said still looking nervous but a little calm "that's great" he smiled then walked over to me as he pulled me in for a hug he then kissed me softly then let go "where should I leave my bag and jacket?" I asked so he grabbed them then went downstairs to hang them up. When I sat back down his 15 year old sister walked in then had a funny conversation about Carlos, as he entered he shouted at his sister to get out funny wise then I laughed so hard even they laughed with me while his sister ran off laughing.

When we had dinner his parents and sister went to bed as me and Carlos snuggled up on the sofa watching "The fault in our stars" when I cried Carlos gave me a tight grip then wiped my tears away giving me a soft gentle kiss. When we wanted to go to bed Carlos decided to pick me up once again this time I wasn't too surprised, he then put me down on his bed and he laid on top of me attacking me with kisses "what am I suppose to wear for bed, I forgot to go home to get my long tops" I said looking worried "babe I'm your boyfriend it doesn't matter you can sleep in your underwear or wear one of my tops" he offered so I wasn't too ashamed of my body so I decided to sleep in my underwear as I can trust him not to do anything at this time of night. When we went to the bathroom to brush our teeth it was a good thing to take my tooth brush with me since I have an issue with food that makes my mouth feel horrible I brush my teeth in school. When we was done we strip down then went to bed while Carlos turned off the light, I turned my back to face him then I felt his arm around my waist while I felt his body at the back of mine once I felt his breath tickling my neck.

At 3am I woke up from a nightmare once I jumped up from horror I woke Carlos up which made him check up on me asking if I was ok then cuddled me tightly "its ok baby it was just a dream" he said while comforting me. Once we laid down together I rested my head on his chest hearing his heart beat "I'm sorry that I woke you up" I apologized drawing circles on his chest with my finger "its ok it scared me but it was worth it" he said when his eyes was closed, we said goodnight then kissed while we both was falling asleep again spooning each other.

It was a sunny morning when Carlos woke up early putting his glasses on to not let me see his eyes without them, he watched me sleep for a few minutes then went to take a shower. When he was done and went back to his bedroom I sat up with his blanket covering my chest "good morning" I said in a sleepy voice then yawned, he walked over to me with a towel wrapped around his waist "good morning love how did you sleep?" He asked while gave me a wet kiss "it was ok and very comfortable without that nightmare" I said looking guilty "it was ok love as long as your ok" he said when walking off "um, should I cover my eyes while you get dressed don't want it to get awkward" I said looking down at my clothes that's laying on the floor, he looked at me dying to not laugh "Meg, its ok I'm your boyfriend one day we'll see each other naked, your really silly" he laughed while unwrapping his towel...

We both got ready for school "I need to go home to get at least a new jacket than the same one" I panicked "its ok my dad can drop us off at your place" he said excitedly then drank his orange juice.

We arrived at my house pulling Carlos with me, we walked in and my mum was shocked to see him for the first time and the first words she said "you didn't have sex right?" My face went pure red "MUM!!!!" I shouted and pulled Carlos with me upstairs while him and my mum laughed in tears. I slammed him down on my bed to grab another jacket then put my liquid eye liner on as we have loads of time. I finally got ready then ran downstairs said bye to my mum then ran out to Carlos's dads car. We arrived to school waving bye to his dad before he drove off then after that "MEGAN!" Someone calling my name from a far distance as I turned around and there was Erik so happy to see us when he ran over giving me a hug and gave Carlos a high five "how was last night?" He asked with a cheeky grin and a wink, we both looked at each other then back at Erik "it was great, best feeling of my life" Carlos said trying to make it sound sexual, I then laughed walking off into the school gates.

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