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I messaged my mum for Kelly, Jordan and Erik to stay over mine for the weekend as a friends thing, she responded with a "ok, I won't be home as I'm very busy, but have fun don't want anything happening to you when I'm working nights" once I read that I felt like crying but with happiness as my mum didn't go mad at me for defending myself even for my relationship. I told them they can sleep over and they all smiled and talked about the things we all can do.

It was getting closer to home time as everyone was packed up to go home in such a hurry like always, Kelly and Erik waited for me and Jordan to hurry up with English. As Jordan ran out lifting Kelly up in excitement he then started to kiss her neck everywhere but Kelly giggled shouting stop then hit him playfully on the head to make him let go. When I left the class all three of them hugged me tightly like I just missed something "are you guys high again" I laughed making them all laugh too "yeah, maybe" the boys said as Kelly pulled a 'no' face then pulled me closer to her as she cling onto my arm and we all set off to my house.

As we all arrived I went upstairs to get a quick change before setting back out again to walk over to their houses to get their things. We went to Erik's house first thing as he was closer to me, we all got invited in by his mum while we wait for Erik to hurry and grab what he needed. We then went to Kelly's house she only took a few seconds to get what she needed and was changed in her BVB outfit, finally we reached Jordan's house as he live just across the road from Kelly's, he took about 5 minutes to get his stuff he needed and was dressed all in black with a tight black short sleeved top, Kelly blushed on how cute he looked and I laughed then ran out of the front door "WE WILL HAVE FUN GUYS!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

We entered my house yet again without anything to do so we all went down brackenhill park to only rest there listening to Ribcage by Andy Black. We all started to go on the swings as it was the most fun thing ever in the crappy little park, we all finally got tired on having a competition on swinging the highest. As we went inside the house my phone started to vibrate like crazy, both Jordan and Kelly sat very close besides me looking at 21 people messaging me all at once, some was hateful and most was just an usual conversation "Meg block the hated ones" Kelly said as she just glared at the phone but from the other side Jordan want me to read what they all been saying.

We read all the hated messages and blocked them after as I was forced by Kelly I read down the names and saw Carlos messaged well it was only a photo as it said "New Photo Message" so I thought it was of his cute looks, I opened our chat it was only a picture of him hugging this good looking girl that I thought he would dump me for

"Who's that?"

It took him 45 minutes to respond to my question that really got me paranoid that he was doing some things with this girl but then I couldn't do anything as he was on the other side of the world.

"Baby she's a friend from school, he have to study now talk later"

I lost my rag with this as he only send me one message without 'I love you' now that got to me as he hanged around with this other female. I soon rested my head on Kelly's shoulder without crying this time as I had more wet rashes under both my eyes, Erik sat next to Kelly with a look on his face that seemed he was confused when everyone of us was quiet.

We all got in bed well fully clothed of course but Kelly wanted to sleep next to me that I haven't had a problem with but Jordan wanted to sleep next to Kelly then Erik didn't mind where he slept as long as its cozy. So we had this idea Kelly is in the middle Jordan is on the left side of the bed as I'm on the right side so we all was comfortable but then Erik felt lonely so we all had to scooch up in bed for him to rest next to me, then we all got cozy and fell asleep.

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