Hang Out

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We all sat on 3 park benches, taking off our blazers and ties and just relax in the sun. Kelly sat next to me laughing at Jordan that was facing her, he was pulling faces to make her laugh I just smiled "Jordan come here" I said getting my pen ready, as soon as he walked over I pushed him over and drawn on his face. He got up then everyone started to laugh that he had whiskers and fangs drawn on his face "I know its a terrible drawing, but you look cute" I said while everyone kept laughing then Jordan joined in our laughs too.

Sun was slowly going down but everyone didn't want to leave the group that most of us don't want to split up. One of Carlos's friends said "we should have a sleep over, just all of us till Carlos moves away" it was a clever idea but I didn't want to keep spending so much time with him cause then it'll make me miserable like hell when he actually goes. While I was thinking Kelly cling onto my arm then we all started to walk somewhere. We reached this huge building everyone was talking amongst themselves as my little group looked really worried as was I.

We entered the building with some of us clinging onto each other couple like "right some of us has to be in this elevator and some of us has to wait for it or some can go up the stairs to the floor 34" as Heidi explained, I volunteered to take the stairs as I love burning calories feeling healthy then Carlos went with me, Kelly couldn't as she was too tired of walking for Miles and miles. I decided to run up the stairs while Carlos was faster than me to run up ahead, we both was out of breath as we reached the 17th floor. I got tired after reaching the 29th floor while Carlos was telling me to hurry up so I sat on a step "give me a minute will you" I muttered under my heavy breathing, we reached 32nd floor and heard a voice "hurry up you two" as Heidi shouted down to us "if someone tells me to hurry up one more time I'm a jump off this balcony" I said getting exhausted. Carlos looked how tired and worn down I was so he lifted me up and speed walking up the last few steps and kicked the 34th door open "BITCHES WE MADE IT" Carlos shouted with a big grin on his face looking like he accomplished something then the group laughed at him "we was waiting for ages for you two" Heidi said smiling at the both of us "ok, you can put me down now" I offered him but Carlos nodded his head "nope I'm still carrying you" he smiled at me then starts walking to an apartments front door.

We all entered this nice modern apartment, nice clear wooden floors and very nice detailed wall paper that has bands logos on "nice place" I said looking at this place with wide eyes "thank you" Heidi said feeling pleased with herself. We all sat in the living room it was too many of us so some of us sat on the floor having laughs with each other, my phone started to ring and saw as my mum was calling "I be right back" I said walking off with the phone in my hands, I left the apartment and started to talk.

Kelly was almost falling asleep while resting her head on Jordan's lap when they both was on the floor "are we all sleeping here tonight?" Jordan asked and everyone went quiet "um, I don't know, if you want to stay I don't have a problem" Heidi said while everyone just get themselves comfortable "I'm staying" Erik said so everyone agreed to him. Carlos was waiting for me to go back into the room but I was still outside talking to my mum as she was worried about where I was.

I entered the apartment looking really irritated, everyone stared at me with a thrown on their faces "what's wrong with you?" One of them asked "I got to go home my mum wants me there" I said while grabbing my bag "but its dark its not save for you to walk alone" Heidi said having this worried look in her eyes "don't worry about me I'll be save have a goodnight guys see you all tomorrow" I said turning around facing the door. Carlos got up and ran to the door forcing the door shut "your staying here there's no way your going out there by yourself" he had a raging look on his face "tell my mum that" I said trying to not cry. Kelly shot up and cling onto my arm "please Meg stay, we only did this for a group thing besides Carlos is leaving soon" she gave me an innocent look that made me drop my bag "ok, ok, but if I'm grounded you guys are the blame" I smiled then they all cheered deafening me as Carlos gave me a hug in passion and a sneaky kiss.

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