A Long Secret

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I was at home brushing my teeth getting ready for school, my phone soon vibrated as I picked it up Carlos messaged me "meet me by the 6th form area" I didn't know why, I'm just gonna go with it. I brushed my hair then put my converse on, later after that it was time to go so I shouted bye to my mum as she was upstairs then left while putting earphones in listening to Avalanche by bring me the horizon. I knocked on Erik's door to ask him to walk to school with me, as soon as his mother answered "oh hi Meg Erik's not here he just left with his girlfriend" I nodded my head then said thank you while walking off "I guess its just me" I thought to myself when Jordan was walking with Kelly.

I reached school wishing that all the group friends was here otherwise it'll be a lonely day. As I entered the entrance the duties that I argued with gave me a glare but I just kept walking didn't wanna bother them anymore, just want to see my friends and Carlos. I went up the school stairs looking down to see Erik with his other friends and his girlfriend clinging onto him like flies around horse pooh, I didn't see Kelly or Jordan so I thought they're in school late. I went up the stairs to the 6th form area to see Carlos sitting there writing something, I walked up to him then tapped his shoulder, he didn't react just looked back at me "hi babe gimme a minute" he said while I looked puzzled.

Time passed I was still sat next to him looking at him while he was still focused on his work, he then put his pen down and grabbed my hand "Meg there's something I need to tell you" his eyes looked as if they was about to shut down, his face seems paled as his hands felt lifeless making me think he's going to break my heart, I stayed silent to hear what he's going to say while I kept my panic in "Meg my family is moving to the US Texas, this is my last week staying here" while he said that in a soft way his thumb then rubbed my hand, as he was looking down at our hands like it was the end of the world. I didn't say anything to him as I was deeply hurt to not see him again "what can we do?" I asked not ready for him to move in a million years, his sad look reached my eyes as I closed them to not cry "there's nothing we can do, we're just kids Meg" he said then looked down at our hands, I let go and grabbed him giving him a tightest hug ever "I don't want you to go Carlos" I said letting go of my tears to cry on his shoulder, his hand rubbed my back "I know its hard Meg, I don't wanna leave you but its something that has to be done" he explained gripping me tighter around my waist, everyone looked at us as if they seemed confused, Kelly and Jordan walked up behind me wondering what has happened. As me and Carlos let go of our tight hug I pulled out my phone to message my mum to let her know I'll be home late "is it ok if I walk home with you and stay with you a bit longer?" I asked with hope, Carlos's eyes widened as if he seemed happy that I asked "of cours Meg I love that" he smiled then gave me another tight hug.

It was English I was in line with Jordan listening to music as always keeping my mind occupied. When we entered the classroom Jordan tapped my shoulder "what happened between you and Carlos in 6th form?" He asked in concern, I pulled my earphones out then said "he's moving far away, Jordan" his face dropped when I just full on said it "I'm sorry Meg" I stared at him thinking "why are you sorry?" Then my head showed a different thing to what I was thinking as I just nodded then looked down at my work, keeping silent even silent with Jordan that's what made him worry a lot about me. English was over I didn't want to walk to lesson by myself, so I waited by Carlos class while Jordan stood by my side. Carlos saw me in surprise then gave me a hug "what lesson do you have?" I asked, he went in his bag to grab out a planner "Math's" then he reacted like its the end of the world making me and Jordan laugh, we all walked over to math's then Kelly joined us "what happened in the 6th form area? She asked so Jordan explained to her before I did, which that was very odd.

It was break time, I went outside to sit at the place where nobody goes I class it as my thinking area. I looked up from the ground to see Jordan and Kelly there facing each other so I decided to hide behind a tree and crouched down, I couldn't hear what they said but I can see everything. I saw them just talking then all you know Jordan grabbed Kelly's hand then both kissed, my eyes widened I was happy but at the same time shocked that made me run to Carlos that was in the hall with his group of friends. I grabbed his arm "hey, hey Meg what are you doing?" He asked while laughing in surprise "I... Need... To... Tell you... Something" I struggled to talk as it was hard to move Carlos in my direction "ugh, I give up" I slammed my butt on a chair then he sat next to me while his friends was looking at me weirdly as if a funny way "what did you wanna tell me, silly?" He asked while I was out of breath "its better to tell you at home time" I said looking exhausted then it was lesson time "I can't be bothered moving my legs hurt from running and tugging" I whined while Carlos was getting up "then I'll carry you to lesson" he said with a cheeky smile, I looked at him with wide eyes and a blush went out, my words was tangled in my throat and all that went out was "nu, by, ah" then out of no where he picked me up "Carlos no what you doing?" I asked feeling embarrassed "taking you to lesson " as he pointed out the obvious.

We arrived in P.E. Carlos finally put me down and give me a quick kiss as the girls in my P.E. group repeatedly saying "Megs got a boyfriend" I playfully said "oh shut up" with a smile on my face. I saw Kelly arriving with a smile to see me so I smiled back pretending that nothing happened. Me and Kelly was P.E. partners in a tennis match we were both awful at playing "Kelly when we  are alone I want to talk to you about something I saw today" I said when I was next to her, she nodded her head as she focused on other Girls playing tennis.

When me and Kelly had our time alone I sat next to her where feeling a little bit betrayed as she kept a secret about her and Jordan "I saw you and Jordan kissing today, want to explain" I said in a soft way keeping all my happiness in, Kelly soon looked down at her feet "I did want to tell you, but Jordan wanted to keep it a secret. but I knew you was going to find out soon enough when me and him started to do this" she looked guilty as sin then I pulled out a hug "I'm not mad I'm happy for you guys, just a little gutted that you both my besties kept this from me" I explained then she pulled I slight smile "how long did this go on for?" I asked in curiosity she looked at me as if it seemed to be going on for a long time "a year, this is our anniversary today" she answer my eyes widened in shock but then I was happy she told me the truth although she is my close trustworthy friends I ever had.

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