The Party

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During the party I went to my bedroom with Kelly next to me full of smiles so then I showed her the dress what Carlos found, she loved it then asked me to put it on. I striped down then put the dress on, it was perfect, wasn't too tight or too loose, I quickly put my flat shoes on they were black and shiny while I was putting them on I took the bobble out of my hair then around my wrist before brushing my hair. Kelly went downstairs when Jordan called for her and I was left alone in my room laying on my bed staring at my ring just thinking about mine and Carlos's future together, Carlos then walked in my room and I quickly sat up in a jump "ah, was looking for how why aren't you celebrating?" He asked while sat next to me resting his hand on my leg "I was getting dressed sorry if I took to long" I apologized then he smiled at me then reached out to kiss me "well, you look beautiful like always, come on people want to talk to you" he stood up then held his hand out waiting for me to connect my hand to his and leave the room to meet the guests.

Everyone cheered for us as we walked down the stairs still in hand with each other, Kelly and Jordan was at the sofa staring at us happily while clapping like the rest that really made me smile till my cheeks hurt. Everyone wanted to see the ring as I pulled my hand out 5 or 6 hands touched mine so they have a clear look so I looked at Carlos with wide eyes and a blush went out "its ok baby, they want to look" as he whispered in my ear that made me look back at my hand. Kelly walked over to me while putting her hand around my shoulders that caused me to let out a little eek.

Everyone walked away while congratulating me and Carlos for our young engagement, the front door blew open and people walked in that made Carlos walk over to them with big smiles as I just stood there in the middle of the room with a glass of coke in my hands looking lost at who they were. They all pulled their coats off then walked in, stood around me while Carlos was still at the front door letting the last person in before speed walking over to me "everyone this is Meg my future wife" as he introduced me to the strangers I wrapped my arm around his before everyone smiled at my scared look then congratulating me "sorry about this, I need to go to the bathroom, haha" I ran off upstairs literally running in the bathroom, slammed the door behind me then locked it. I felt my heart beating out of my chest as I didn't know what to do when the strangers is in my mums house.

Somebody knocked on my door as I heard "Awadama fever" by BABYMETAL blasting downstairs, "Meg, let me in" Kelly called out so I moved from this door unlocked it and pulled Kelly in and locked it back up sitting behind it, Kelly looked at me as a crazy chick hiding in the bathroom "what's wrong?" She asked then I looked up to her "I freaked out when I saw those strangers" I replied then she put up a smile "Meg their here to see you, their Carlos's family and friends from the US, now come on don't make them wait" as she explained she held her hand out to helping me to get up "ok" I smiled then left the bathroom with Kelly clinging onto my arm when we walked downstairs.

Carlos stood at the bottom of the stairs smiling at me walking closer to him, Kelly let go of my arm and walked over to Jordan then Carlos cling his arm on mine. The people that walked in 10 minutes later, smiled at me then I went out with the speech on who I am and Carlos joined me making it not to look like I'm crazy, so they all stood around my again pulling my engagement arm then said nice things about the ring and that I was a lucky girl.

It was now 12 o'clock and I got a little dizzy from coke with vodka that caused me to dance alone in the middle of the room dancing to 'homecoming king' by Andy Black my friends smiled and stared at me while I had my eyes closed doing this weird slow dance that made some people dance too. Carlos walked behind me putting his hands on my waist causing my to face him, his face was close to my ear then he said "wait till everyone goes home" he said with this soothing voice that made me smile while wresting my hands on his shoulders as we both swade from side to side then started to making out while some people aww at us.

It was getting late some people left us a gift then kissed my cheeks to say good bye then thank my friends to create this party, it went on quite a while as Kelly and Jordan passed out on the couch together. We was finally alone then Carlos lifted me up then carried me up the stairs making me giggled "my mum is asleep, shhh don't wake her" I said wasted out while Carlos still was walking upstairs laughing at me. We entered my bedroom then Carlos kicked the door shut making it slam "oops" he laughed then walk over to the bed putting me down gently "I love you" he said gently to me as I was sat there resting my hand on his cheek that made him rest his hand on my mine pulling it closer to his lips, kissing it numerous of times.

I looked at him smiling then whispered "I love you too" that made him stop to look at me and got on top of me while making out, his hand was resting on my thigh slowly going up then he started kissing my neck. He then lifted himself up, pulling his top off before unzipping my dress then gently pulled that off too, I turned around resting on my stomach while he was still on top resting his hand on my waist kissing the back of my neck going down a bit to my spine. I rested my head to the side while my eyes was shut then pulled down my underwear and turned me around staring at me "don't go to sleep baby" he said then kissed me. We started it again this time it went rougher than ever making me do those sounds again that's causing him to go faster, he pulled my hand closer to his lips hen kissed the ring "your all mine" he said under his heavy breaths then stopped and laid next to me. I turned to him then rested my head next to his "your mine too" then I kissed his cheek before heading to sleep while his hand rested on my side as he faced me and closed his eyes.

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