Last Day

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I got better after 2 days of suffering, I literally spent hours messaging Carlos or calling him over Skype, wasn't a pretty chat as I kept sniffling but it was cute the way he says things. I am now walking to school with Kelly while this is our last day of high school, Kelly was very excited but yet nervous as usual, I wasn't all that bothered just get it over and done with as for Jordan I really don't know as I haven't seen him all morning, kind of strange really. My phone vibrated in my pocket before me and Kelly reached the gates "Kelly go on in, I meet you there later" I said that made her nod looking confused then walked off in between the school gates. I pulled out my phone to see Carlos woke up for school since it was his last day too, the message was "good luck" I smiled at it for a moment when I heard Xena shouting and laughing with her friends that soon made me text fast to Carlos wishing the same for him, but I was not fast enough when I heard "EERRR LOOK WHO IT IS, MEGERN" she shouted, it annoys me how everyone pronounced my name in a way that I bloody well hated, then after she said that I heard Kelly Todd laugh which she never in hell laugh at something so dumb like that, so I glared at all of them chavs and walked in the school gates pulling my middle finger up at all off them.

I saw Kelly with Jordan once I've walked in, they was laughing really hard I was very curious to see what was going on, as I slowly walked past people to meet up with them it was now lesson time, I watched them walk off together then I turned around walking the opposite way. I felt that sting in the heart when I missed a moment with my friends laughing and all that stuff, but its not going to be the end of it. I waited for the teacher to let us walk around as they usually let us do that when its our last day. The whole class got sent out to do whatever it is people do inside school, I looked around seeing if Kelly and Jordan got sent out too, so I looked down from the balcony and there they were talking amongst themselves, I ran down the stairs as fast as I could then reached them "hayo!!! My gosh it was hard trying to find you guys" I said out of breath, smiling at them both that looked at me funny "what happened to you?" Kelly asked, I shrugged it off then laughed while my insides was burning up "you ok meg?" Jordan asked then I nodded while still out of breath "what was you guys talking about?" I asked tapping my chest to help my heart to slow down. They both looked at me in concern then offered me to sit down to relax more, "we was talking about our lives after high school" Jordan answered with a grin on his face, Kelly nodded then looked down as if she was upset about something "what's wrong hun?" I rested my hand on hers, she looked up at me with watering eyes "what if we won't talk to each other?" She asked sadly, I looked at Jordan then back at Kelly "listen, we will, the holidays are up soon surely we can see each other then" I gave a soft trusting smile that made Kelly smile back for a brief second. Jordan stood up holding out his hand in front of Kelly, she hesitated to take his hand or not then looked at me as if she should or not, I nodded my head to let her grab his hand. As she did so Jordan pulled her off her seat and gave her a nice tight hug, I sat there giving an awe at what's going on, the rest of the day was relaxing for us as if it was our last.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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