Awkward Friends

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It was a cold morning, while I was standing outside the artroom door waiting to go inside for lesson. Everybody was talking in line while the boys pushed each other around being playful then the girls talking about their disasterous relationship with a jock, then there's me being silent while day dreaming at a corner waiting for the teacher. As Mrs. Stevens walked up to the door unlocking it she smiled at me then said "everything ok Megan" I soon snapped out of the dream then answered "everything just fine miss" then walked in class to my seat. As I opened my art folder getting my piece out my two art buddies Sophie and Lola sat down staring at each other having a conversation while I listened looking down at my piece. While I was finishing my previous drawing Sophie called my name saying "hey Meg, what is your project going to be" I didn't say much I just handed it over to her "oh, what is that?" she asked I looked at her weirdly then said "its my anime project I'm drawing Lawliet from Death Note and I know everything about the anime so this is my project" as I explained she looked at me funny then said "what is a anime?" she laughed so our table paid their attention to me as I explained "anime is a bunch of Japanese animations for teenagers or adults most are sub some are English dub" then they smiled and asked "you should recommend me to some" so I nodded then carried on with my drawing.

Soon break will start our teacher ordered us to leave our stuff on our tables for after break, we all stood behind our chairs to get ready for our break then set off to where ever we wanted to go. I stood in the corner by the window to wait for my 3 best friends to meet me. Kelly, Jordan and Erik came to me all together as they choose the same classes, we all started to sit down on the dinner table listening to some music while Erik's girlfriend took him away from us "Kelly you should check this band out" Jordan ordered as he put his phone near Kelly's ear, Kelly soon nodded her head then said "I love it" I smiled at them both then got distracted by someone that was staring right at me then looked away when I spotted him "guys we should get ready for lessons now" I said trying to not freak out, Kelly looked at me funny "Meg why are you red?" she asked with a cheeky smirk. My eyes widened and put my hands on my cheeks to cover up the blush " I dunno can we please get out of here?" I asked trying to not get nervous, they both nodded then walked upstairs while I was speed walking. Kelly and Jordan repeatedly said "Meg's in love, Meg's in love" I soon put my hair in front of my face to cover up my embarrassing appearance. We all got seperated as Kelly and Jordan went to their music class.

As I carried on painting my project the classroom door opened and no surprised someone got sent out of lesson for their bad behaviour. Mrs. Stevens ordered him to sit on our table so he complained about getting sent out still wasn't a surprise, I took a second look away from my painting to see who sat on the chair facing me, it was that same creep that stared at me in break so I immediately looked down at my painting to not get distracted. Sophie and Lola started another conversation yet again about art then asked me how much I've done "its not finished yet but what do you think?" I acted nervous showing my painting to the table then they both said great things about it then the boy that got sent out asked "your drawing Lawliet as your project?" I looked at him funny then nodded, he told me to pass it to him "not bad you haven't finished but not bad though" he smiled then passes it back so I carried on drawing smiling like a weirdo. The classroom door knocked then someone entered, everyone looked to see the headmaster "at lunchtime every year in this school will be outside in a line we are having some difficulties in our lunch hall, once your out of the class make your ways to the exit then meet up with your form class and be in line with them thank you" he said then left, everyone whispered a complaint about this situation but to me I didn't care one bit.

As me and Kelly got the same form I waited for her by her classroom door as she went out she hugged me then asked "what do you thinks happening in the hall?" I shrugged my shoulders and didn't care. We walked down the stairs and saw the hall most of it was covered in rubbish and blood stains armed police was securing around it "what happened?" Kelly asked Jordan "a group of kids in year 9 and 8 were having a violent riot" he explained Kelly's eyes soon widened and I put my earphones in hands in my pocket and carried on walking still didn't care. As we stood in line Jordan and Kelly had their conversation with each other while I was still in my own little world until someone tapped my shoulder making me jump, I turned around and saw that same boy "hey me again I'm Carlos by the way I saw you at break you looked sad so I just wanna know is everything's OK?" He said while I was in shock, my cheeks getting all rosey "everything is fine I'm just bored of all this living I'm Meg by the way nice to meet you sort of" I said turning back to Kelly "uh well is it ok if we sat together?" He asked looking at the ground I smiled and nodded yes. As I was sat next to Kelly she was listening to music with Jordan through her earphones "sorry that I seem dodgy the way we met an all" he apologized I looked at him "I like weird things and what you did no one else seems to do it so its ok don't have to apologise about anything" then bit into my sandwich. I quickly changed the song on my phone to true friend by bring me the horizon I blasted it then Carlos was interested in it "what is it called?" He asked I answered "true friend with the band called bring me the horizon I love them haha" I shared my earphones with him so he can have a clear listen he then playful shake his hair back and fore making me laugh. Kelly and Jordan looked over seeing us two messing around then they had a big smile on their faces "Meg who is he?" They said with a confused look "guys this is Carlos, Carlos this is Kelly and Jordan my two besties I don't where Erik went probably with his cringy girlfriend" we all laughed about his girlfriend being all mean about it but we didn't care.

Home time almost coming then Carlos quickly asked me "can I have your phone number?" I nodded yeah then gave him my digits the said "if you have WhatsApp talk to me on there I haven't got credit" he smiled the hugged me "I hope to see you again Meg its been fun talking to you" he smiled. It was time to pack up and  3 of my besties was besides me going to the same direction with me, Carlos called me then asked "which direction are you walking?" I pointed to the right his smile turned to a thrown "oh I'm walking left" I gave him a tight hug "don't worry we can see each other tomorrow" I smiled then he smiled back. We both said our goodbyes then both went our separate ways.

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