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Kelly dropped me off to my house I told her to go as I was in emotional wreck, I still can't believe that he's gone I feel nothing but pain in all my organs. As this pain kept going around my organs I ran to the bathroom feeling like I was about to be sick. After I was done I dragged my body on the floor into my room then laid down on my bed, I can smell his aftershave on my left side of the bed I started to hug tightly on his pillow then a little tear dropped "weekend and I'm alone" I whispered under my sleepy sobbing breath.

I didn't leave the bedroom all weekend, I only had messages of my friends worrying about me as I wasn't out like usual, I told them to not come over as I was a mess with rash under my eyes from wiping away my tears so much, my hair all over the place it was long enough to tangle itself. I finally got up then looked in the mirror "oh gosh, I'm pathetic, come on Meg pull yourself together" as I talked to myself I even pulled myself to the bathroom and get a long shower.

I left my phone in my room dead as I forgot to plug it in, I walked in my room with a towel wrapped around my body then tried to dry my hair with a small towel. When I was about to sit down on my bed I then saw my phone lit up red, I quickly got up then plugged my phone in and sat back down on my bed drying my hair.

It was 7:12am I got already for school, I decided to walk alone as I don't want questions after questions on where I was or how was I and most of all I don't want to hear sorry about you and Carlos. I just wanted a normal day with my friends acting like animals like we usually do, I jogged to school with my music blasting but I didn't care one bit as I felt like myself for a good few minutes then Erik showed up stopping me on the spot "Erik what the hell?" I lashed out pulling the earphones out "sorry Meg, can I walk with you?" He asked blushing so I just nodded yeah.

It was kind of silent walking with Erik for some reason, I wanted to talk but then I'm afraid he might ask questions about what has happened. We almost reached school and we still haven't talk so I'm a go right ahead "what is your first lesson?" I asked then as soon as he opened his mouth Jordan and Kelly interrupted us "Meggy where have you been?" Jordan asked I then almost went mad also grinded my teeth "everything... Went great" I said through my teeth, Kelly knew to not ask me questions about the situation so she pulled Jordan down to her level and shut his mouth for me and that made me giggle a little.

The lessons began and I had English with Jordan, I sat there doing my work for the exams I was getting frustrated working so hard and getting tensed with the pen almost stabbing my book, Jordan resting his hand on my arm that caused me to look at him with hate "Meg, calm down" he said then that moment forward I dropped the anger and rested me head in my hands trying to not cry, "I can't do this, its too soon" my thoughts almost sounds like someone was screaming in my ear "ENOUGH!" I shouted then shot up from my seat everyone in my class stopped talking and looked at me sweating like crazy, Jordan pulled my arm to sit back down I felt so embarrassed my face went all red...

It was break I saw Kelly, Jordan, Erik, Heidi and rest of Carlos's friends on our table, I thought it was odd how they all sat there looking like its an argument. I sneaked over to the table and stood behind Kelly "what's going on?" I asked, so Kelly pulled me away from the group "Meg, they blamed you for Carlos moving away" she said explaining more bits "I heard enough, I'm a go" before I turned around Kelly held onto my arm "no Meg, I haven't seen you in days stay with us" she said giving me this adorable look that I couldn't say no too, so I decided to stay a little longer.

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