Stay Strong

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We all went to lessons again I only had two lessons by myself and the other one was crafts Jordan didn't have crafts so Wesley did "Meg can you help me out and make help Wesley on what he's going to do please?" He asked with a look that made me do it "ok bye" as he was in a hurry for his music class, yeah some of us do have double lessons that's the same. We all went in thankfully no one sat next to me "ok Wesley, all you need to do is sign your name here and help me finish of my mosaic ok?" I explained looking all friendly then he nodded to agree what I said while I carried on with the mosaic.

Hannah was late to enter the class so she apologized and sat down the opposite side facing me, she stared at me and carried on with the mosaic too. Wesley tapped my shoulder asking me where does things need to go or what happens next. I helped him out a lot feeling really helpful to someone that needs it "What lesson do you have next?" I asked he then went in his bag to grab his planner "I have art" he said so I guess I have to show him where he needs to go. I was in the middle of doing work but at the same time I was paranoid all the way through the lesson as everyone kept whispering amongst themselves.

It was lunch time and I left Wesley with Jordan making Jordan deal with him, I sat there looking at my lunch feeling disgusted by it so I drank my orange juice instead, Kelly noticed that my food haven't been touched so she looked at me with one of her eyebrows raised "Eat" she ordered me so I stabbed a tomato with a fork and chewed on it she then smiled at me like a proud mother. Jordan showed up without anyone following "how is he?" I asked then he looked at me while sitting down between me and Kelly "he's got some new friends so no worries about it" he smiled while grabbing his food out staring at my tub still full of salad "oh, you just arrived too?" He asked with a smile "uh... No I wasn't feeling hungry but girls gotta eat haha" as I mocked myself pretending that I'm normal but Kelly stared at me as if she didn't buy on what I just said.

My phone vibrated at midday I looked at everyone with wide eyes and rosey cheeks Kelly kept looking at me and smiled "Carlos?" She asked when I haven't even got the phone out so I gabbed it and looked "yes" I giggled like a Japanese school girl and they all laughed at me.

"Is it true what everyone has been saying about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You planning on leaving me"

"Who told you that?"

My eyes started to water Kelly soon lost her smile and everyone saw my expression that caused me too look up "I'm fine" I said while a tear fell from my cheek "no, Meg tell us?" Jordan said looking dead serious at me "Meg, no more secrets" Kelly gave this stare that I have to tell them all "someone's trying to ruin my relationship" as I spoke out Kelly had hatred shown on her face.

"Don't act like you don't know, Meg is it true?"

"No I swear"

"Will it was someone called KT she said she was your secret best friend so that you cry to her all the time"

My eyes widen in shock with tears making them look pink, Kelly had a peek on my phone "I knew it would be her" she raised her voice then hugged me "your not going to lose him Meg, he should know who she is" she didn't show a smile but she did sound calm about this

"No, tats Kelly Todd and I hate her guts for what she did to me and to Kelly, block her"

"Oh... I'm sorry to do this to you, I have to go lessons now love you"

"Love you too bye"

I then looked at Kelly that was sat really close besides me "please let me destroy her?" I asked her and she nodded no as she was still hugging me, I felt so much rage flowing through my veins that made me slam my hands on the table looking like hulk but without the steroid like muscle and the green bean color. I stormed off looking for Kelly Todd anyway cause I had it with her trying to ruin me so I can be this loner person she wanted me to be.

I slammed my hands on the table and ran upstairs with Kelly and Jordan shouting my name telling to stop, it was too late as I saw Kelly Todd laughing with her baby friends, I then ran up to her grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the lockers "STOP RUINING MY LIFE YOU BITCH" I shouted and shouted to get some sense into her head as my hand was gripping tightly squeezing her throat as she struggled to breath "MEGAN STOP NOW" Kelly shouted at me struggling to pull my arm away from Kelly Todd's throat "VIOLENCE ISN'T THE ANSWER MEG LET GO" Jordan then ran behind me wrapped his arms around my waist then lifted me up making me lose my grip of her throat, Kelly Drake said something to Kelly Todd making her walk away in fear "ok, ok, I'm fine please let go" as I cried hr then let go and my body fell to a ground like an actual dead body "i-I'm sorry I don't know what came to me... I'm so sorry" I sobbed then Kelly and Jordan kneeled down to me hugging me tightly "you did what you have to do and now I bet she will leave us all alone I'm proud of you Meg for standing up for your relationship" Kelly smiled at Jordan gripping me tighter while we all had a group hug.

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