3 Days Count Down

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I woke up from an nightmare of losing Carlos again, the days are going by faster and it was only 3 days left till he has to move. I feel like trapping him with me but at the same time I can't do anything to make him stay. I finally got up to get dressed for school as Carlos was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, I walked over to look out my window then saw Kelly and Jordan walking to my front door, I ran downstairs so fast I almost fell on to my face on the last 4 steps. I dragged the door open as I was downstairs almost break my own foot the way I'm acting. I let them in then walked them to the kitchen "Meg where's Carlos?" Kelly asked while looking over the place "he's brushing his teeth" I replied, looking at my doorway "I need to get ready make yourselves a home" I said when running of to go upstairs.

Finally got ready before Carlos as he had some troubles with his tie, so I helped him out and took me 45 seconds to do it nice and neat. We went downstairs to grab my keys off the kitchen side then we all left the house as it was really hot out today, calm and relaxing, but hell it was a nightmare for us as our uniform was mostly black everyone was sweating like pigs after 5 minutes into the blazing heat waves. I was clinging on to Carlos's arm all the way to school, we did bump into some of his friends but they felt free to join the 4 of us. They all messed about chasing each other only a few mille meters away from the group all together, Kelly and Jordan was just in hand in hand all the way through the whole process. I was thinking to not try and be jealous of them once Carlos leaves, so I had to stay strong when he leaves.

We all reached the school, Carlos and his friends ran inside, I walked behind Kelly and Jordan without them realizing as I'm now very quiet. I separated myself from them all and went to the 6th form area to start drawing to show my real emotions on the paper. As I was drawing with music blasting in my ears to not even hear anything from the outside, I was very focused on my drawing getting very tensed with it too. Somebody tapped my shoulder to make me jump off my seat to see it was Erik looking miserable than I did "what's wrong?" I asked looking at him without a shine to my eyes "I miss Mona" he said while he looked destroyed when she broke his heart, he did truly loved her, I pulled him over to give him a weak gripping hug "I will feel what you would feel in the next 3 days" I said sitting back down on the seat slouching. Erik joined me putting his hand on my back, rubbing it to comfort me as I was just sitting there thinking "I need to stop being pathetic about this situation" but really its hard when the person you love moves away to a different country.

Few hours past and it was lunchtime I sat on our regular table, everyone was here talking amongst themselves I was getting worried wondering where was Carlos. I saw him sat with his friends seems like he's enjoying his life but why can't I? I separated myself from the table only Kelly noticed my strange behaviour. I walked up to the 6th form toilets and locked myself in the toilet hiding away from everyone and cried silently. I heard a gentle knock on the door "Meg, talk to me" Kelly said in a soft tone, its good how she knows what's wrong with me straight away, that's a true friend. I unlocked the door and hugged Kelly really tightly "I don't know what's wrong with me" as I sobbed on her shoulder, she rubbed my back softly "don't worry Meg you guys can still talk once he's going" she said putting on a gentle smile "but its not the same, Kelly" I said trying to pull back my tears.

Carlos went over to my friends table asking them where I was, everyone shrugged their shoulders looking lost so they all panicked and start searching. Carlos almost lost his mind panicking a lot more than the others "guys she just can't get up and walk away" he said while his face was getting more whiter as his eyes started to water up. Finally one of his female friends ran over to him and tapped his shoulder "she's in the girls toilets up in 6th form" she said so Carlos ran upstairs so did the rest then he burst through the door, I looked at him in shock with tears falling from my eyes, he ran over to me and gave me a really tight hug "don't ever run off without telling me" he said looking into my eyes, his finger under my chin then our lips connect once again. Everyone gave us some personal space whispering how cute that moment was, as they all left we left too as boys aren't allowed in the girls toilets.

It was almost home time and both sides of friends didn't want to walk home we all needed to get together to know each other day by day, it was about 16 of us in a group now. Kelly, Jordan and Erik was the first ones waiting while a few of Carlos's friends was waiting too, everyone and myself was waiting for Carlos we even made jokes on why he's taking so long to leave. He finally arrived most of us cheered while the quiet ones smiled, some of us was already dating each other so then I don't have to worry about getting all cuddly with Carlos but then I do feel bad for Erik as Mona left him then dates another guy, we all set of to hang out in wibsey park just having a nice conversation.

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