Chapter One

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 So here is the first chapter. I said it will be up by 3/3/16 but I couldn't wait. :P

Please do leave your views and tap that star button on the end! 

Thank you and enjoy!



Martha Hawking sat in the living room waiting for her daughter to go to sleep. She could hear Belle still up and about in her room. Martha flipped through the channels with the TV on mute.
"You are still up?" George Hawking said as he came and saw his wife still sitting in the living room.
"Waiting for Belle to sleep. I am going to wait for 10 more minutes then I am going up and making sure she is in bed." Martha said.
"She is twenty five. Let her be"
Martha shot George a glare as she got up from the sofa.
"You burden her too much." Martha said
"I..." George was about to argue back but stopped as Martha walked out.
George knew Belle was working hard and he was proud of her but he needed her to prove herself to everyone.
George sighed and made his way back to his room.

Martha knocked on her daughter's door and waited for a response.

After a minute of no response, Martha sighed and pushed open the door and saw her daughter stooped over her laptop typing furiously.

Martha went over to her and placed both her hands onto her shoulder.


"Mom just one minute please..." Belle said as she fixed the last few numerical in the balance sheet.

Tomorrow was an essential meeting of the company in which she was going to present the annual sheets of the company and try to impress the seniors of the company so that she could take over as the CEO. She would have just walked in and taken over as her father was the owner and this was a family business but she was a woman and the higher ups of the company were all males and she knew they were hesitant to let her step up as the CEO and to make matter more difficult she was only twenty-five. Plus her father's company dealt in constructions and production of construction materials, making even her father reluctant about her heading the company.

So she was going to fight and deserve the seat of the CEO.

Isabelle Rose Hawking was the only child of George Aiden Hawking hence making her the sole heiress to multi billion business. She knew her father always wanted a son who could grow up and step into his shoes and become the CEO of the Hawking & Sons Inc., not that he ever neglected Belle. Belle was always treated like a princess by her father but she knew what her father felt. Hence it was her desire to make her father proud of her. She didn't want to replace a son her father never had but she wanted her father to be proud of her as his daughter.

From an early age only Belle started visiting her father's office and attending meetings to get a feel of the business world. After finishing high school, she enrolled into the Harvard Business School and graduated with the highest percentage.

Belle had worked hard day and night, which had affected her social life and lead to her having a nonexistent one but Belle didn't care. She had given it her all and now the time had come for her hard work to convert into success.

"Belle, it's two in the morning. You should take rest. I know tomorrow is the big day but you can't compromise your health."

Martha was worried about her daughter. She had lost weight in the past week and her fiery red hair was a mess and her bright blue eyes were missing their usual spark. Martha tried to tame her red curls with her hands and placed a soft kiss on her head. Marta sighed again as Belle again started fumbling with her notes. She was so like her father, personality as well as appearance wise. She had inherited her father's eyes and hair where as Martha had green eyes and soft brown hair.

Belle looked up at her mother's worry filled eyes.

" worry too much. I am fine."

"I can see"

Belle got up and hugged her mother.

"I am going to bed. Happy?" Belle said as she got into her bed.

Martha chuckled at her daughter and fixed her bed sheet and kissed Belle's forehead.

"Yes. I am happy. Good night, my Belle." Martha said as she switched of her bedroom lights and walked out.

Belle immediately dozed off as she was tired no matter how much she denied it.

Belle walked out of her room as she heard screaming and crashing sounds from downstairs. She hugged her teddy tightly to her chest as she made her way towards the stairs.

As she got closer to the stairs she recognized her mom and dad's voices.

"What the fcuk am I supposed to do huh?!" she heard her dad say.

"You can at least try to come home early. That is all I am asking. Belle needs to see you around much more."

"HELL! It is not my fault okay? Who the hell is going to manage the damn company huh? I don't have an heir who will one day takeover!!!" her dad yelled as she heard another crash

"I understand George..."

"You understand nothing! You are ungrateful to the fact that I work night and day so we can live this lavish life!!!"

"George...We have Isabelle. She is our heir..."

"She is a girl. How will she handle this company? It is impossible! This is pathetic."

"She is our daughter. Have faith in her..."

"Martha please just shut up and leave me alone and also leave Belle out of this. She is no use to this company. I guess one day this company will no longer be in our family."

Belle sat there on the stairs, her father's word ringing in her ears.

"No use to this company" Those words got etched on to her 11 year old mind. Belle got up from the stairs and went back to her room.

Belle woke up, cold sweat covering her body. The dream always seemed so real, it was like she was 15 years back in time. Belle looked at the time; it was four in the morning.

Belle got out of bed and turned on her laptop and got back to work.

She was going to prove to everyone wrong, including her dad.

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