Chapter Five

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Alexander entered his penthouse and threw himself on the couch. Today had been a tiring day. They had shifted back to NYC few days ago. Daniel had shifted into their mansion which both of them had purchased together where as Alex had bought a penthouse.

Whenever they got into a new phase, they never got into it together. It was always one of them where as the other would stay in the background and look over things. Daniel had done an excellent job on all his documents required for the PA job.

Alex was waiting for the phone call and hoping that they did select him. Otherwise they would have to think of another way to come in close contact with Hawking.

Alex got up and moved to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the night. Just as he was about to sit down with his sandwich his phone rang.

Alex cursed and got up to answer it.


"Mr. Knight speaking?"


"We are speaking from the World limited life insurance...we would--------"

Alex cut the call and resisted the urge to chuck it across the kitchen; stupid policy advertisements.

Alex sat back down and finished his dinner. After dinner Alex did nothing but waste his time by sitting around watching TV.

Around midnight he checked his emails and there was an email from Hawking and Sons and he had been accepted for the job. The email mentioned how his phone was not reachable. Alex grabbed his phone and noticed its battery had died.

Alex read the email once again and smirked. He picked up the landline phone and dialed Daniel's number.

"We are in."


Isabelle ran down the stairs with her files and handbags. She had an important meeting scheduled for the morning. She had been the CEO for a week now and she reveled in it.

"Morning mom." Belle said as she quickly grabbed a toast and dashed towards the door.

"Eat properly Isabelle Rose!" Martha yelled from behind

"Love you mom!" Belle said as she chucked her files and handbag in the passenger seat and started the car.

She parked in her space and fixed herself up. She had tried to put her hair in a bun this morning for a professional look but they were all over the place. Isabelle sighed and gathered her hair in a ponytail.

Upon reaching her floor which consisted of only her office, a restroom plus a waiting room with the reception, Belle stopped short when she saw the Greek god occupying the reception chair.

Her new PA sat there going through folders in a white shirt which perfectly defined his broad shoulders and biceps.

"Enjoying the view are we, Ms. Hawking?" Alex smirked at Belle

"Good morning, Mr. Knight. Please have my daily schedule and my coffee on my desk in 10 minutes"

Belle briskly walked towards her office and Alex looked at her retreating figure. Alex admired her alluring figure. She looked damn sexy in that pencil skirt and fitted jacket.

Alex shook his head and got up to make the coffee.

Belle slammed her office door and took deep breaths and once again questioned herself that why she selected him in the first place.

"Momentary lapse of sanity" Belle whispered to herself

She couldn't even fire him now. She went to her desk and went through the file that was needed for meeting coming up in the next hour. However her mind went back to those hazel eyes.

Belle didn't understand why she was feeling this way. She never felt attracted to man to this extent. Then again she never had the time to mingle with opposite gender. Till date she had never gone out with any man and the boyfriend section of her life was blank.

There was a knock on the door and Alex poked his head in.

"Ma'am your coffee and schedule." Alex said with a smile

"Come in." Belle said looking everywhere except for Alex.

"Ma'am we have a meeting in half an hour followed by two more in the afternoon." Alex read of the memo pad.

"Yes. Have the meeting room ready and be present to take notes." Belle said as she got up to locate another file which was important but she could not find it on her desk.

She made her way to the file cabinet well aware of Alex's eyes on her.

"Is there any file named "Jackson Inc." on your desk, Mr. Knight?"
"No Ma'am, I organized them this morning only. It isn't there"

Belle reached for the top shelf but it was out of her reach. Her 5 foot 4 inch frame failed to do so in her flat footwear.

"Here let me" Alex said

Belle quickly turned around and came face to face with Alex. He was so close to her that she could see the small specks in his hazel orbs and once again in a momentary lapse of sanity, Belle went on her toes and kissed him and her first kiss tag went out of the window.

What was this man doing to her?

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