Chapter Nine

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“So you and the heiress are well acquainted now?” Daniel said as he took a bite from his hamburger.

Alex and Daniel had met for a lunch on Alex’s day off to catch up on what was happening so far in the plan.

“We are getting there…” Alex said as he picked at his fries.

“What do you mean you are getting there man? It has been over a month now and you are still getting there?” Daniel asked frustrated. Daniel did not like the pace at which things were heading and Alex’s head wasn’t into the game; Daniel knew it.

How mistaken he was. Little did Daniel know that Alex and Belle had become more than acquainted. The attraction they shared was hard to resist and both of them had given up trying to resist it. Their romance happened behind the closed office doors. Stolen kisses, shared lunch, late night working together, steamy make out session. Alex had not taken the leap with Belle and slept with her yet. He was not doing this all for the game they were playing. He was doing it because his heart wanted this.

He didn’t want to take advantage of her or hurt her but Alex wanted to make progress hence he was going to ask her out on their first official date. However Belle being so shy and reserved didn’t help his case but he knew she was also attracted to him and liked him.

“You zoned out again man!” Daniel exclaimed.

Alex glared at his friend, indicating for him to shut up. Alex had a dominating presence in the room all because of his good looks and a sophisticated aura to him. He seemed like a cool tempered man but he was the exact opposite. He just knew how to compose himself well.

“I am leaving. I will keep updating you.” Alex said as he indicated for the bill.

“Wait, you still haven’t told me what you told her about your parents. This detail we didn’t work on and you said you will handle it as it will come.” Daniel asked looking at his Alex. Daniel could sense something was off but he couldn’t point his finger on it.

“I told her my mother passed away few years ago. I am the only child and my father has shifted to Italy after my mother’s death as Italy was her birthplace and from where she belonged. He handles his business from there.” Alex said with a dismissive air as he paid the bill and got up to leave.

“Alex, be careful” Daniel said Alex walked out of the restaurant without saying another word. Daniel usually handled mingling with their target. He mostly played the roles where as Alex handled everything else. Alex only stepped up on few instances in which their previous work had gotten messed up like the previous one in which both of them nearly got caught.

The next day Alex walked into the office whistling. He was in a good mood today and had planned the date. He had stayed up all night planning it. He didn’t know Belle that well yet hence he played on neutral grounds.

He went to the coffee room to prepare her coffee as she was about to arrive.  Alex just finished preparing the coffee when he heard her walk towards her office, her heels indicating her arrival.  Alex briskly walked after her.

“Good morning, Belle” Alex said with a smile as he entered the office. Belle had her back to him and did not respond to his greetings.

“Isabelle?” Alex called her again as he walked towards her.

“Yes, Mr. Knight? Anything of importance that you came to my office?” Belle said as she turned to face him.

Alex stepped back, shocked by her cold demeanor.  

“Belle…what is wrong?” Alex kept the coffee cup on the table and went forward to hold Belle.

“Mr. Knight, please leave. I want the file on the Samuels project by evening.”

Belle turned around to go sit when a strong hand grasped her wrist and pulled her back into a rock hard chest.

“What is going on?”

Belle swallowed, trying to control her feelings. Belle didn’t like where this was heading. From the past one month they have been messing around in the office. All Belle could think about was him and not concentrate on her work. She nearly lost a deal last week when she zoned out during the meeting thinking about their little rendezvous in the bedroom adjoining her office.

He was having a bad affect on her. She needed to put a stop to this. It as a world war three between her brain and heart but she had to side with her brain and let this go. She could not let this attraction get out of hand.

“Nothing, Mr. Knight. Please let go of me.”

“Belle!” Alex said in a slightly louder voice then he intended to as he spun her around to face her.

Belle refused to make eye contact with him knowing if she did she would lose her resolve.

“You cannot turn this on and off as you desire.”

“What are you talking about Mr. Knight?”

“For Christ sake! Stop calling me that! “Alex yelled as he rubbed his hands on his face.

Belle’s heartbeat sped up and she broke out in cold sweat as Alex raised his voice. Alex noticed this effect and put his arms around her.

“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.”

Belle stepped out of his embrace.

“I am sorry I can’t do this” She said.

“What are you talking about Belle? I want to give us a try. We are getting somewhere. Our relation can blossom into something much more.”

“There is nothing to try. We can’t be anything but a disaster.”

“How can you be so damn sure without even trying huh?” Alex said as he stepped towards her towering over her.

“Relationships never exist and what we have is not a relationship”

“Then what it is huh? Say that this doesn’t mean anything to you.” Alex said as he gently caressed her cheek.

“Say that my touch doesn’t affect you.” His fingers trailed along her cheekbone. Belle’s breaths were coming faster now and her knees were going weak.

“Say that you don’t want to explore what we could possibly turn into” He traced her lower lip with his thumb.

“Belle, I am taking small steps with us. I don’t want to hurry. We can take everything slow.”

Alex leaned down and captured her lips for a kiss.  Belle went on her toes to respond to his kiss and flung her arms around his neck as desire sang through her body turning the blood in her body into liquid fire.

There was no way she could ever possibly resist this man or think of staying away from him.

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